PRESENT: Mr D Broad (Chairman) Mrs B Amory, Mr G Broad, Mr A Kingsley, Mr A McLellan, Mr I Morgan & Mrs E Broad (Clerk)
County Councillor Paul Hodgkinson
VACANCY ON CHEDWORTH PARISH COUNCIL: CDC have informed us that no election has been requested, therefore the Parish Council a co-opt to fill the vacancy. It was agreed to advertise the vacancy in the Hill and Valley and on social media with a view to co-opting at the next meeting.
CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES: The minutes of the Annual Parish Council meeting held on 17th May 2021 were agreed and signed as a true record.
DECLARATION OF INTERESTS: The Chairman to remind Councillors of the need to declare interests as necessary
21/01915/FUL Newport Farm – Barn Conversion (Revised Scheme) – No objection
21/01943/FUL The Summer House – Change of Use of Land to Facilitate the Extension of
the Residential Curtilage – Objection
21/01829/TCONR Hills Farm, Calves Hill – Tree Works
Planning Application Notification 21/00911/DMPO – Rendcomb Airfield – An email had been received from Jenny Forde explaining the current situation with Rendcomb Airfield which it was hoped would go the planning committee in July.
Neighbourhood Plan: Mrs Amory gave a brief update and reported that a grant of £7,640 had been awarded. She reported that the response rate for the questionnaire was currently 15%, it was intended to remind people to complete the questionnaire on Nextdoor & Facebook and also include a link on the website.
OPEN SESSION FOR THE PUBLIC: Sarah Smith and Sarah Wembridge spoke about the needs of pre-school. They did not support the Village Hall committee’s proposal for extensive changes to accommodate pre-school. They asked for an additional toilet as a matter of urgency and were in discussion over plans to move pre-school away from the Village Hall. They were questioned by Councillors. Councillor Hodgkinson gave a brief report on highways which included flooding issues on the Whiteway and proposals to do some road patching in Chedworth Laines.
The Chairman brought the following item forward on the agenda
Social Room/Pre-school Project: From the representations heard from pre-school, it was very clear that their needs were (a) urgent provision of additional loos and (b) a longer term move to stand alone premises, where they would not need to pack away. They seemed keen on a smaller project which could be delivered on a much shorter timescale to simply provide addition loos, rather than a major reconfiguration of the space. Drawings showing that the existing shower room is large enough to take one, if not two loo cubicles, were shown at the meeting. It was also suggested that consideration could be given to a portaloo or similar. It was also felt that the Parish Council would be happy to consider providing funding towards this smaller project. It was proposed by Mr Morgan and seconded by Mr McLellan to refer this back to the Village Hall committee, agreed.
Traffic in Village and Road Matters:
a) Roadside Verges: Mr Morgan reported that a first cut of the visibility splays & bends had been done.
b) Heavy Goods vehicles using Cooks Hill: Further complaints had been received regarding lorries becoming stuck between the walls in Cooks Hill. As nothing further had been heard from Dan Tiffnay regarding improving the signage, Paul Hodgkinson offered to raise this with him.
It was further agreed to write to Dan Tiffnay with some suggestions regarding improving the signage & attaching the photographs of the stuck lorry.
c) Cleaning of Road Signs: The need for this had been raised at the Parish Meeting. A number of faded signs were identified and it was agreed to collate these and send to Paul Hodgkinson as he was trying to get these sorted out.
a) Extension of Temporary Footpath Closure KCH 47: A reply had been received from Frank Dorrington Ward, GCC PROW, saying that Nicola Chidley would look at the path when she is next in the area.
b) Footpaths around New Barn Farm: The Chairman reported that he understood that the paths had been weed killed on their definitive line although they were not marked.
c) Temporary Closure of KCH 43: Notification had been received from GCC, it would be at the Bliss Cottage end to allow the adjacent building works.
d) Stile between Playing Field and Grass Keep Field: The Chairman reported that he had looked at the stile and the complaint seemed to be that the stile was too high. There was a wire was across the top to stop the horse from chewing the fence. It was agreed to discuss this with the tenant.
Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust Chedworth Nature Reserve: Nothing further.
Playing Field:-
a) Elderberries Bench on the Playing Field: Mr Kingsley reported that the base would be done shortly.
b) Dog Fouling on the Playing Field: There had been a reported increase recently on social media. A dog poo bag dispenser was suggested as was an additional dog poo bin. It was agreed to look into these options and also include a reminder to pick up your dog poo in the Hill and Valley.
The Grass Keep Field:
a) Drama Group Storage: The base was due to be constructed shortly.
b) Tree Planting on Diggers Field:
i) To receive any update: Mr McLellan reported that we are able to apply for funding for the
cost of trees, stakes & protection in order to ‘replace’ trees lost because of ash dieback from
Glos. Highways Ash Dieback Project & CPRE Glos. (& Cotswold & Vale A.D. Forum). It
was proposed from the Chair and seconded by Mr G Broad to do this, agreed.
ii) To consider calling the project the Jubilee Orchard as suggested in email from Simon
Colbeck: This suggestion was noted.
a) Pre-school needing loos that fit statutory requirements: Dealt with under one item earlier on the agenda.
b) Pre-school new building project (from Parish Meeting): Dealt with under one item earlier on the agenda.
Village Hall:
a) Social Room/Pre-school Project: Dealt with under one item earlier on the agenda.
b) Village Event – Celebrating the best of Chedworth: An email had been received from Simon Colbeck asking the Parish Council to consider organising an event which the Village Hall Committee would be very pleased to support. After some discussion it was agreed to reply that the Parish Council would be pleased to consider any request for funds to support this event, but is not at present in a position to take on the task of organising it. It was also suggested that a small committee should be formed to organise a local community event to showcase Chedworth.
Storage of Parish Council Documents: An email response had been received from Robert Young stating that the Church safe was now full. It was suggested that a fireproof storage box be purchased to keep the documents safe. It was agreed that the Clerk could spend up to £50.00 to purchase this.
Defibrillators: Mr Morgan reported that the Seven Tuns defibrillator was being checked regularly and was now being reported and recorded as necessary.
Clerks Quarterly Salary (inc. 1.5% increase in rate of inflation) £669.00, prop.I Morgan,
sec. A Kingsley
Clerks Quarterly Mileage £12.88, prop. I Morgan, sec. G Broad
Cottage Garden Services (P/F Cutting May) (£80.00 + VAT) £96.00, prop. D Broad,
Sec. I Morgan
Viking (New Minute Book, Stamps & Ink) (£57.81 + VAT) £66.20, prop. I Morgan,
sec. A Kingsley
A Kingsley (Wine for Ros Jess) £67.94, prop. D Broad, sec. I Morgan
E Broad (Postage for Audit Papers) £1.99, prop. I Morgan, sec. G Broad
ICO Data Protection Fee £40.00, prop. A Kingsley, sec. G Broad
Neighbourhood Plan Payments – To record that £64.00 payment in May to Mrs Amory for
Survey Monkey was not required as they managed to do the survey for free.
Hill and Valley News: Several items were agreed to be included in the July/August edition.
The Clerk reported that a large water bill had been received. The HVLTC had hardly used any water and the tenant had not used much water since the water leak back in January. This would be included on the next agenda and the water meter usage would be monitored.
Mr Morgan referred to the planning email which had been received from Quenington Parish Council. The Chairman confirmed this would be included on the next agenda.
Mrs Amory asked permission for the pop up café to put some chairs and tables on the playing field,
this was agreed.
NEXT MEETING: Monday 12th June 2021 at 7.30pm.