It was reported that the Declaration of Acceptance of Office and Code of Conduct had been signed by Councillor Bella Amory prior to the meeting
PRESENT: Mrs R Jess (Chairman), Mrs B Amory, Mr D Broad, Mr G Broad, Mr A Kingsley, Mr A McLellan, Mr I Morgan and Mrs E Broad (Clerk)
County Councillor Paul Hodgkinson
APOLOGIES: District Councillor Jenny Forde
CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES: The minutes from the Parish Council Virtual Meeting held on the 9th November 2020 were agreed as a true record.
DECLARATION OF INTERESTS: The Chairman reminded Councillors of the need to declare interests as necessary.
OPEN SESSION FOR THE PUBLIC: Paul Hodgkinson reported on the most recent Covid statistics for Gloucestershire. He also reported on the recent road resurfacing on the Fosseway and the offer from GCC Highways to provide “20 is Plenty” signs for Chedworth Laines. He was questioned by Mrs Amory about the requirement to replant when trees were felled with Ash Dieback and told the meeting that there was no current requirement for replanting. Mr Morgan asked Mr Hodgkinson to intervene to get a response from Dan Tiffney regarding the grass verge cutting. Mr Baker apologised for the tone of his letter regarding the planning permission on land adjacent to the Village Hall. Other parishioners also spoke about the Planning in Principle permission on this land.
The Chairman brought the following item forward on the agenda.
Land next to Village Hall – To respond to consultation by Centaur Homes: The Chairman had prepared a suggested response opposing the development which she circulated prior to the meeting. This was felt to be an excellent response and a couple of further points for inclusions were also agreed. It was proposed by Mr D Broad and seconded by Mr G Broad to send the response to the developers, agreed. It was further agreed to put the response on the website.
20/02330/FUL The Summerhouse – Extension – No objection
20/02331/LBC The Summerhouse – Listed Building Consent – No objection
20/03894/TCONR Willowbank – Tree Works
20/04168/TCONR Box Tree Cottage, Cheap Street – Tree Works
20/04163/TCONR Stable Cottage, The Old Farm – Tree Works
20/03970/FUL The Oxbyre – Alterations & Extension – No objection
20/04194/TCONR Laurel Cottage – Tree Works
20/04133/TCONR Chelbo House – Tree Works
Appeal Dismissed: Fairhaven, Fields Road – Construction of up to 5 Dwellings
Neighbourhood Plan: Mrs Amory was interest in forming a group to prepare a Neighbourhood Plan
for Chedworth. The Chairman explained that there had been insufficient interest when the Parish Council had discussed this previously and there had been no one to lead the project. Mrs Amory offered to take on this role. After some discussion it was proposed by Mr Morgan and seconded by Mr Kingsley, that Mrs Amory should look into what was involved in producing a Neighbourhood Plan, including an idea of costs, agreed with one abstention.
Traffic in Village and Road Matters:
a) Roadside Verges:
i) To receive any update on taking over the cutting of the roadside verges: Nothing further.
b) Speeding in Chedworth Laines: Mrs Amory was concerned about the speed of traffic in this area and had asked for the Parish Council to consider providing traffic calming signs. As previously reported by Councillor Hodgkinson, GCC Highways had agreed to provide some “20 is Plenty” signs which Mrs Amory would put up. Some Councillors also offered to assist.
c) Temporary Road Closure 400917 Fields Road to Cheap Street Chedworth from 25th to 28th January 2021: It was agreed to advertise nearer to the time.
d) Temporary Road Closure 400917 Fields Road to Calmsden from 9th to 12th February 2021:
It was agreed to advertise nearer to the time.
a) KCH 64: As nothing had been heard from the landowner following our request for a waymarker to be installed it was agreed to send him a reminder.
b) Missing signs on parish rights of way: The Chairman would have this up together for the next meeting.
c) KCH 19: As nothing further had been heard, Mr Morgan offered to go and have a look for the next meeting.
d) KCH 8: The Chairman had received a report that the stile was broken and the path was impassable as a result. It was agreed to write to the landowner to ask them to carry out repairs as soon as possible.
Playing Field:
a) Grass Maintenance around the Fitness Equipment: An email reply had been received from Patricia King HVLTC requesting a more formal written understanding be drawn up. As it was not known exactly what was required, it was agreed to reconfirm by email that it was the intention of the Parish Council to consider the issue again at the 2022 rent review.
b) New Bench on Playing Field: The Chairman reported that she had met with Helen Taylor and they had identified a spot for the bench. This would be progressed further in the Spring. The money would come from the Elderberries to commemorate the group which was being wound up.
c) Securing Slip Rails beside the gate at the top of School Hill: Mr D Broad agreed to purchase a bolt and padlock to secure the slip rails. It was proposed from the Chair and seconded by Mr Kingsley to put a ceiling of £25.00 for this, agreed.
The Grass Keep Field:
a) Drama Group Storage:
i) To consider potential licence/tenancy agreement with prospective tenants: Mrs Amory had drawn up a draft licence which had been circulated to Councillors, Drama Group and Horticultural Society prior to the meeting, she was thanked by the Chairman. A few minor amendments were
suggested and it was agreed to hold over until the next meeting.
ii) To consider quotes for provision of building & base: The Clerk had circulated a reminder of the quotes for the building and base. It was agreed to consider these at the next meeting when it was hoped that contractors could be agreed and work instructed.
b) Grass Keep: An email had been received from Mrs Wall regarding the condition of the field when it was inspected. These were addressed at the meeting.
c) Condition of Stile in the Grass Keep Field: Mr D Broad was concerned about the condition of the stile which was not on the line of the footpath and was installed as a temporary measure by Mr Baker. It was agreed that Councillors should go and have a look to see if stile should be repaired or removed.
Chedworth Village Hall:
a) Village Hall Land Ownership: Several emails have been received from Mr Hutton Potts on behalf of the Village Hall shortly before the meeting. Although several points had been made, the only query that required immediate response was whether the Parish Council was holding the deeds. It was agreed to confirm that the Clerk was holding the deeds along with other Parish Council documents. It was agreed that Councillors would look at the documents sent by Mr Hutton Potts for further consideration at the next meeting.
Christmas Lights: Mrs Amory suggested providing Christmas lights for the grass area in front of the Village Hall. It was felt to be too late for this year but suggested that a sum could be included in the budget for next year.
Council Standing Orders: The Chairman had circulated an addition to the Standing Orders to give
the Clerk authority, in consultation with two Councillors, to purchase replacement parts or arrange
for emergency repairs to the village defibrillators. This addition was proposed by the Chairman and
seconded by Mr G Broad, agreed.
Clerks Quarterly Salary £659.00, prop. R Jess, sec. A Kingsley
Clerks Quarterly Mileage £9.65, prop. I Morgan, sec. A McLellan
Bibury (Graveyard Strimming + Path Cutting) (£238.00 + VAT) £285.60, prop. A Kingsley,
sec. D Broad
Community Heartbeat Trust (Defibrillator Pads) (£35.00 + Carriage + VAT) £45.60,
prop. R Jess, sec. I Morgan
SLCC Membership £80.00, prop. G Broad, sec. A Kingsley
Request for donation towards upkeep of Graveyard from St Andrews Church – It was
proposed from the Chair and seconded by Mr McLellan to donate £300.00, agreed.
Council in receipt of £287.00 6 monthly Grass Keep rental from Mr & Mrs Wall
Setting the 2021/22 Budget:
i) To note that 2021/22 Precept request needs to be back at CDC by 31st January 2021
ii) It was agreed to hold a budget meeting on 25th January to decide the 2021/22 Precept
The Chairman wished everyone a Merry Christmas and closed the meeting at 9.07pm.
NEXT MEETING: Monday 11th January 2021 at 7.30pm.