



PRESENT:  Mrs R Jess, Mr D Broad, Mr G Broad, Mr A Kingsley and Mrs E Broad (Clerk)

ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN:  Mrs Ros Jess was proposed by Mr D Broad and seconded by Mr G Broad, agreed.  Mrs Jess signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office book.

ELECTION OF VICE CHAIRMAN:  Mr David Broad was proposed from the Chair and seconded by Mr G Broad, agreed.  Mr Broad signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office book.

CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES:    Parish Council Meeting 8th April 2019 were agreed and signed as a true record.

CO-OPTION OF NEW MEMBERS:  Two people had expressed a interest in being co-opted.  It was proposed from the Chair and seconded by Mr D Broad to co-opt Mr Ian Morgan and Mr Alan McLellan to fill two of the vacant seats on the Council, agreed.  Mr Morgan and Mr McLellan both took their seats at the table and signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office book and Code of Conduct form.

DECLARATION OF INTERESTS:  The Chairman to remind Councillors of the need to declare interests as necessary.

OPEN SESSION FOR THE PUBLIC:  Ros Marsden spoke about the post box at the bottom of

Pancake Hill which had been damaged and it was reported that it would now be decommissioned by Royal Mail.   Mrs Harrison reported on some of the enquires she had made with Royal Mail regarding the post box and she agreed to pass on to the Parish Council details of who she had been in contact with.  Mr Selway raised the problem of the exposed water pipe at the top of Gallows Lanes which was being damaged by vehicles.  This had been raised previously with GCC Highways.  Mr Selway also spoke in favour of Mr Robertson and Mr Musgrave being appointed as charity trustees.  Mr Harrison spoke about the objection of the Chedworth Society for the electric car charging point at Box Tree Cottage.  Mrs Moore asked who had expressed an interested in being appointed as charity trustees.  Mr Needham spoke in favour of Mr Robertson and Mr Musgrave being appointed as charity trustees.  Mr Peirce spoke about the agenda item for a separate preschool building which he felt was wrongly worded.

The Chairman agreed to take the charity trustee appointments at the end of the agenda.


18/04955/FUL Cherry Orchard, Fossecross– New Details – No objection 19/00842/LBC Box Tree Cottage – Listed Building Consent – Objection.

19/01241/FUL Box Tree Cottage – Electric Car Charging Point – Objection

19/01086/FUL Roman Villa – Change of use of Flat to Office Space – No objection with one against.


19/01556/FUL Manor Farm – Change of use of Agricultural Building to use Class B2 – No objection


Traffic in Village and Road Matters:                               

  1. Grit Bin on the Tuns Hill Triangle:  The grit bin had been moved down from the Airfield storage to Tuns Hill but now needed siting and filling. It was agreed that members would get together to arrange a time to do this.
  2. Traffic Speed on Fields Road:  Two offers had been received to undertake speed checks, Mr McLellan also offered to assist.  It was agreed to make enquiries about borrowing the equipment from the Police.  Mr G Broad was also obtaining quotes for the cost of a flashing speed sign for this location.
  3. Tuns Hill Triangle:  It was proposed from the Chair and sconded by Mr Morgan to ask Bibury to do a cut and collect, agreed.
  4. To consider if the visibility splays at road junctions and Tuns Hill Triangle need cutting:  A member of the public had kindly strimmed the road junction by the Village Hall Crossroads.  It was felt that visibility at the Chedworth Turning was being obscured.  It was agreed to report this to Highways.
  5. Highways Update, Chedworth Road Withington:  Further works on resurfacing were being undertaken on 13th to 15th May.


  1. KCH 16 Bridleway on Airfield:  A reply had been received from Mrs Hamilton stating that a bridleway gate was to be installed.  It was agreed to write and thank Mrs Hamilton.
  2. KCH 20:  Nothing further had been heard from Mrs Hamilton regarding this.  It was agreed to ask Mrs Hamilton if she had been able to speak with the Cotswold Wardens.
  3. Obstructions on KCH 32:  Mr Robertson had emailed giving the definitive route and the route used by walkers.  Mr McLellan offered to speak to Mr Robertson to ask if the tree blocking the path had been removed.  Mr Morgan asked if the footpath wardens were still operative.  The Chairman reported that they were not but website had an area where footpath problems could be reported by members of the public.

The Playing Field:

  1. Playing Field Fencing:  If the wire on the fence adjacent to the play area had not been done the Clerk was asked to chase this up.
  2. Area below Tennis Courts:  As nothing had been heard, it was agreed to ask Pete Heaps again if he did use the Green Bin provided.
  3. Tree Stumps:  One quotation from Phillip Dickenson of £200.00 + VAT for removal of tree stumps had been received.  It was proposed by Mr D Broad and seconded by Mr Morgan to ask

Phillip Dickenson to do this, agreed

  • Seat on Playing Field:  An offer to purchase the seat had been received from Mr Boothman.  After some discussion it was agreed not to sell it, Mr D Broad would refurbish it and move it to the area below the tennis courts as originally agreed..

The Grass Keep Field:

a)   Drama Group Storage:  Nothing further had been heard from the Drama Group.


Diggers Field: It was noted that the hedge provided by the Woodland Trust has now been planted by the 2nd Chedworth Brownies and Guides.  It was agreed to write and thank them for their hard work.

The Village Hall:

a)  Funding for Village Hall:  Nothing further.

Separate Pre-school Building:

  1. To consider the resolution from the Parish Meeting for a Councillor to join the Working Party to progress the provision of a separate Pre-school building:  Following the email and comments from Mr Peirce at the beginning of the meeting it was agreed to write to him and apologise for any misunderstanding regarding membership of the group set up to oversee the provision of a new preschool building and offer assistance if required.
  2. To consider email from Sarah Wembridge regarding the proposed seperate Pre-school building: It was agreed to reply assuring her that she has the support of the Parish Council in the aim to provide a new pre-school building and look forward to hearing from her if there is anything which the Parish Council can do to help.

To discuss the problem of the library in the Xbox which is being overwhelmed by donations which are blocking access to the defibrillator:  It was agreed to issue a request in the Hill and Valley and on social media for people not to leave large quantities of books in the Xbox.

Letter Box at Pancake Hill:  An email had been received from Mr Woods regarding the possible decommissioning of the letter box on Pancake Hill.  After some discussion it was proposed from the Chair and seconded by Mr D Broad to contact Royal Mail to ask what course of action Royal Mail intends to take and that all is done to ensure that this village does not lose this historic box and retains a letter box, ideally one of a similar style, which is set into the old stone wall.

Village Hall Deeds:  An email had been received from John Selway asking for details of the documents held by the Parish Council as Custodian Trustees of the Village Hall as the Village Hall wish to register the land with the Land Registry.  After some discussion it was agreed to reply that the documents include the conveyance of 1967 to Chedworth Parish Council which show that the owner of the land is the Parish Council. It was agreed to ask why he felt it was necessary to register the land and, given that it is in the Parish Council’s name, were concerned that the registration and any associated costs would therefore be the responsibility of the Parish Council.

The Parish Council Website:  The hosting of the website was discussed as Mr Robertson had asked for it to be removed from his server by the June meeting.  The Chairman and Mr G Broad had been making enquiries and a hosting deal of £1.00 per month for a year could be obtained from 1 & 1.    It was proposed by Mr D Broad and seconded by Mr Morgan to authorise the Clerk to spend up to

£150.00 on the website, agreed. It was agreed to look into getting a more user friendly website.  Mr D Broad reported he had set up cpc.councillors @gmail.com email address for Councillors to use.


  1. Clerks Quarterly Telephone/Broadband Contribution £76.70, prop. R Jess, sec. G Broad
  2. Viking (Stamps & Ink for Printer) (£47.60 + VAT) £54.19, prop. A Kingsley, sec. D Broad
  3. Chedworth Village Hall (Rental) £235.60, prop. R Jess, sec. A McLellan
  4. Chedworth Village Hall (Rental for First Aid Session July 2018) £30.00, prop. R Jess, sec.       G Broad


  • ICO Registration (Data Protection Fee) £40.00, prop. D Broad, sec. R Jess
  • Bibury (Works in Lower End Graveyard) (£200.00 + VAT) £240.00 Retrospective, prop.       G Broad, sec. A McLellan
  • Council in receipt of £14,250.00 Part Precept from CDC
  • Council in receipt of £287.50 Half Year Grass Keep Rental from Mr Baker
  • Council in receipt of £1198.32 VAT Refund 2018/19 from HMRC
  • 2018/19 Annual Audit Return – Sections 1 & 2 were considered by Council in that order and         signed as required. It was further agreed that as we met the criteria to exempt the Parish         Council from an External Audit Review for this year.


Hill & Valley News:  Several items were agreed to be included in the June edition which would be written by the Chairman.


It was proposed from the Chair and seconded by Mr D Broad that in view of the special/confidential nature of the business about to be transacted, the public and press are instructed to withdraw from the meeting, agreed.

Appointment of one trustee to Chedworth Allotment Charity for the remainder of the term left by the late Maurice Wilkins:  After some consideration it was proposed from the Chair and seconded by Mr D Broad that Sue Callard be appointed for the rest of the four year term, agreed unanimously. A counter proposal from Mr Morgan did not receive a seconder.

Appointment of one trustee to the Community Lands Charity for four year period: Mr David Broad declared an interest and left the meeting during the discussion on this item.  After some consideration it was proposed from the Chair and seconded by Mr McLellan that David Broad be appointed for a further four year term, agreed unanimously.  Mr David Broad rejoined the meeting at this point.

Appointment of one Trustee to Chedworth Village Hall for one year:  It was proposed from the Chair and seconded by Mr Morgan that Mr George Broad be appointed for a further one year term, agreed unanimously.  It was requested that an agenda item be included every month regarding a report from the Village Hall.

It was agreed to write and thank the other people who expressed an interest in being considered for the appointments.

The Chairman asked that the cutting of a path in the Lower End Graveyard be included on the next agenda.

The meeting concluded at 10.13pm.

NEXT MEETING:  Parish Council Meeting – Monday 10th June 2019 at 7.30 pm.

