PRESENT: Mrs R Jess (Chairman), Mr D Broad, Mr G Broad, Mr A Kingsley, Mr A McLellan,
Mrs S Moore, Mr I Morgan and Mrs E Broad (Clerk)
County Councillor Paul Hodgkinson and District Councillor Jenny Forde
CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES: Parish Council Meeting 16th September 2019 were agreed and
signed as a true record
DECLARATION OF INTERESTS: The Chairman reminded Councillors of the need to declare interests as necessary.
OPEN SESSION FOR THE PUBLIC: John Selway raised the problem of drainage in Gallows Lane and Queen Street he also spoke about the Village Hall. County Councillor, Paul Hodgkinson, spoke about the current consultation on the A417 Missing Link and asked people to comment on the proposals.
19/03157/FUL Pippins – Alterations – No objection
19/03213/FUL Pippins – Temporary Access – Objection
19/03520/TCONR Box Tree Cottage – Tree Works
19/03078/LBC Whites Barn – Listed Building Consent – The Chairman declared an interest and left the meeting. The Vice Chairman, Mr David Broad, took the Chair. No objection was raised. The Chairman re-joined the meeting.
- The proposed housing development on Fields Road: – To note that the Parish Council has been asked to publicise the community event organised by Evans Jones for 18th October to discuss a housing development on Fields Road.
- 18/04188/FUL Bliss Cottage: Application had been heard at Planning Committee 9th October and was now to go to sites inspection panel.
It was agreed to bring the following forward on the agenda.
The Village Hall:
- a) To consider ringfencing a sum for the Village Hall for capital projects subject to a satisfactory bid being presented with costings as agreed at the September meeting: This has been superseded by the next item.
- b) To consider an application from the Village Hall for back projector and screen: Mr G Broad had circulated an application on behalf of the Village Hall Committee. Mr G Broad answered some questions, declared an interest and left the meeting. After some discussion it was proposed from the Chair and seconded by Mr McLellan to purchase the equipment listed, at the appropriate time, up to the sum of £6,000 and then donate it to the Village Hall, agreed. Mr G Broad re-joined the meeting.
- c) To discuss setting up a working group of representatives of the Parish Council and the Village Hall Committee to improve communication between the two bodies and seek common ground for the benefit of the community: Mr Kingsley asked for consideration be given to this idea as it was important there was a good relationship between the two bodies. It was felt that a neutral chairman would be a good idea. Cllr. Jenny Forde offered to find someone to chair a meeting between the Parish Council and the Village Hall. It was agreed that Mrs Moore, Mr Morgan and Mr Kingsley would represent the Parish Council at a meeting.
Traffic in Village and Road Matters:
- a) Traffic Speed on Fields Road:
- i) To receive an update from the Speed Watch volunteers regarding recent speed checks: Mr McLellan reported on the two speed checking sessions undertaken recently. Because warning notices were placed either side of the speed checkers there were very few vehicles exceeding the 40mph speed limit but it was said that the purpose was not to catch speeding drivers but make them think about what speed they were doing. Mr McLellan said that it was hoped to borrow the equipment again and do further checks at a different time of day.
- ii) To consider if the Council wishes to purchase a VAS Speed Sign: It was decided to put this on hold at the moment and look into borrowing the speed sign from Shipton Parish Council again.
iii) GRCC Decreasing Speed; Increasing Road Safety event – 14 November: Mr McLellan had already reserved a place and the Chairman said she also intended to do so.
- b) Maintenance of Verges: Mr Morgan reported that he had met with Brian Brazington who had not cut the verges yet because of the wet weather.
- c) Roadside Vegetation: Mr Morgan had circulated a map and asked if anyone identified any further areas to pass them on.
- d) Chedworth Road, Withington: A reply had been received from GCC Highways saying the postponed works on Withington Hill would now be scheduled for the Spring. It was agreed to write a further letter to Danny Taylor, GCC Highways pointing out that this work was due to be done two years ago and members were extremely concerned that the poor state of the carriageway would result in a serious accident and to urge them to do their best to carry out the works in this financial year.
- e) Tuns Hill Triangle: The cutting of the triangle had still not been done.
- f) GCC Notification of temporary road closures for resurfacing:
- g) Missing Signage on A429 at Chedworth Turning: Mr D Broad was concerned that some of the signs warning of the dip at the Chedworth turning coming southbound had gone missing. Cllr Hodgkinson asked Cllr D Broad to send him the photographs of the posts where the signs were missing.
- a) KCH 16 Bridleway on Airfield: It was reported that the gate had been installed
- b) KCH 20: It was not clear if the signs had been installed. It was agreed to check this out and then send a letter thanking Mr Hamilton.
- c) Footpath opposite the Seven Tuns to Church Row: Mr Kingsley had obtained two quotes to replace the tarmac on the surface of the path and was expecting a further quote any time, which he expected would be lower. The quotes were in the region of £2,900. After some discussion it was proposed from the Chair and seconded by Mr G Broad to set a ceiling of £3,000 to allow Mr Kingsley to accept the lowest quote, agreed.
- d) KCH 36 at Fossebridge: The closed footpath had been re-opened and was now useable.
- e) KCH 58 South of Fields Road: This path had been obstructed of by electric fences and had been diverted around the field and was unmarked and unwalkable, particularly with a dog, as it was too close to the field boundary and on ground which had recently been excavated for a water pipe. This had been notified to the Parish Council by one of the footpath wardens. After some discussion it was agreed to write to Mike Barton, GCC PROW, who had apparently advised the owners that the diversion was acceptable. The owner of the sheep currently in the field indicated that he wished to speak and was invited to do so by the Chairman. Mr Jeremy Theyer said that the sheep would be gone in a week or two so the electric fences would be removed but in the meantime he would move one fence in order to make the path accessible.
The Playing Field:
- a) Playing Field Fencing: Philip Dickenson had submitted a quote of £100.00 + VAT to put wire on the fence adjacent to the play area. The Clerk had asked Philip Dickenson to go ahead as agreed at the August meeting
- b) Clearance of area in front of Valley View:
- i) To receive any quotations for the installation of a fence: One quote of £650.00 + VAT had been received from Philip Dickenson. It was proposed by Mr D Broad and seconded by Mr Kingsley to accept this quote but to ensure the slip rails were included in his quotation, agreed. To ensure that the fence was erected in the correct location Mr David Broad offered to meet on site when he was ready to start.
- c) Folk Camp 2020: A request had been received from Folk Camps to use the Playing Field for camping from the 22th to 25th May 2020. Concern was expressed that last time there were a number of campervans and motorhomes which it was felt could do serious damage to the field if the ground was soft. It was agreed to ask the Village Hall if these could be parked on their car park and also offer the parish land at the far end of the field for motorhomes. It was proposed from the Chair and seconded by Mr D Broad to allow the siting of tents only around the edge of the field for the fee of £240, agreed. The request for vehicular access to be available from the village hall car park was considered, but it was felt that the gate directly onto Fields Road was the most appropriate way for cars to get onto the field.
The Grass Keep Field:
- a) Drama Group Storage:
- i) To receive an update on the current progress: After some discussion it was agreed that the Chairman and Mr D Broad would submit the application for the smaller two bay unit. It was proposed from the Chair and seconded by Mr G Broad to agree an expenditure of £250.00 to cover the cost of the application, agreed.
Chapel Graveyard: The Clerk reported that it had not yet been cut and we had not had a quote for levelling as promised by Bibury. It was agreed to chase this up.
The Village Hall:
- a) To consider ringfencing a sum for the Village Hall for capital projects subject to a satisfactory bid being presented with costings as agreed at the September meeting: Dealt with earlier on the agenda.
- b) To discuss setting up a working group of representatives of the Parish Council and the Village Hall Committee to improve communication between the two bodies and seek common ground for the benefit of the community: Dealt with earlier on the agenda.
- c) To consider an application from the Village Hall for back projector and screen: Dealt with earlier on the agenda.
Pre-school Building: Mr Musgrave indicated that he had an update on the provision of the building. The Chairman invited him to speak. Mr Musgrave reported that the trustees were considering siting the pre-school building at St Andrews School.
The Emergency Plan: Mr McLellan had this in hand.
The Parish Council Website: An email regarding the website had been received from Mr Pierce. It was felt there should be more content on the website, George Broad reported that he had added the Code of Conduct, Standing Orders and meeting dates. He also asked Councillors submit to him a photograph and any further contact details they wish to have on the website.
- D Broad (Refund of Website Hosting Fee Aug/Sept/Oct £3.60, prop. R Jess, sec. S Moore.
The Clerk reminded Council that the price would increase to £6.00 + VAT per month from
December, as the special offer finishes.
2 Viking (Ink) (£33.96 + VAT) £40.75, prop. S Moore, sec. A McLellan
- Zurich Municipal (Insurance Renewal) £396.99, prop R Jess, sec. A Kingsley – The renewal
Premium had been re-calculated after some items had been removed.
- GAPTC Membership £207.94 from 1st April 19 to 31st March 2020, prop. R Jess,
sec. A Kingsley
- Bibury (Cutting of Roadside Verges) (£119.80 + VAT) £142.80 Retrospective, prop. R Jess,
sec. A McLellan
- Cottage Garden Services (Playing Field Cutting) (£120.00 + VAT) £144.00 Retrospective,
Prop. R Jess, sec. G Broad
- Council in receipt of £4750.00 Part Precept from CDC
- Quarterly Financial Review by Cllr. Morgan & the Clerk will be undertaken after the next
Hill and Valley News: Several items were agreed for the November edition which would be written by the Chairman.
The meeting concluded at 9.22pm.
NEXT MEETING: Monday 11th November 2019 at 7.30pm.