PRESENT: Mrs R Jess (Chairman), Mr D Broad, Mr G Broad, Mr A Kingsley, Mr A McLellan,
Mr I Morgan and Mrs E Broad (Clerk)
County Councillor Paul Hodgkinson until 7.40pm.
CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES: The minutes from the Parish Council Virtual Meeting held on the 13th July 2020 were agreed as a true record.
DECLARATION OF INTERESTS: The Chairman to remind Councillors of the need to declare interests as necessary.
OPEN SESSION FOR THE PUBLIC: Councillor Hodgkinson reported on the A417 missing link which had been delayed until 2023. He also reported on the Covid situation in Gloucestershire and reported that three libraries in the area had reopened. He reported that highways had promised the resurfacing works on Withington Hill would be done in the first quarter of next year and also asked for any missing road signs to be reported to him with a picture. The Chairman thanked Councillor Hodgkinson. Mr & Mrs Kenning spoke about the village hall sign and the planning application in the field adjacent to the village hall, which the Chairman reported had been allowed for planning in principle without it going before the planning committee and now a full planning application would follow and concerned residents would be allowed to object if they wished. Mrs Taylor spoke about the trees outside her property at the Hemplands.
The Chairman brought the following item forward on the agenda.
Chedworth Village Hall:
a) The Village Hall Sign: A reply had been received from Mr Colbeck asking how many complaints the Parish Council had received to the recently erected sign. It was agreed to reply that the general view was that while many people disliked the sign, about 12 or so had expressed this view to Councillors, the overwhelming view was that even those who found the sign acceptable felt that it was in the completely wrong location. Mr Colbeck had also replied in his email that the projector had arrived and apologised for not informing the Parish Council.
20/02330/FUL The Summer House – Alterations (awaiting decision)
20/02331/LBC The Summer House – Listed Building Consent (awaiting decision)
20/02332/FUL The Summer House – Alterations (awaiting decision)
20/02460/TCONR St Andrews Church – Tree Works
Appeal Decision: 19/04119/FUL Hartshill – Tennis Courts – Appeal Dismissed
Traffic in Village and Road Matters:
a) Roadside Verges:
i) To receive any update on taking over the cutting of the roadside verges from GCC Highways:
Mr Morgan reported that he had looked at the map sent by highways and several of the roads were not in the parish. He had raised this with highways and they were looking into it but we had now missed the deadline for this year so Ringway would now do the usual metre cut in August. It was agreed to ask Brian Brazington to do the full width cut and collect in last September/early October which had been budgeted for. Mr Morgan would liaise with GCC Highways regarding signing the contract, which had been circulated to Councillors, for next year. It was hoped that a light cut could be done in the Spring followed by a full cut later in the year. Concern was expressed about the cutting of the visibility splays and the insurance implications in the event of a claim relating to verge maintenance. It was agreed to ask Zurich if our insurance would cover the council if a road traffic accident was blamed on verge maintenance issues. It was proposed by Mr Morgan and seconded from the Chair to ask Brian Brazington to do a cut and clear up as he did last year, agreed.
b) Withington Hill: Nothing further.
a) KCH 20 Manor Farm: A complaint has been received about electric fence bordering and crossing this path without the appropriate signage being in place. An email had been sent to Mr and Mrs Hamilton asking for signage to be put in place. A reply had been received from Mrs Hamilton
confirming that new signage was in place and asking the Parish Council to promote the Countryside Code. Mr Kingsley was asked to update the original complainant.
b) Temporary Closure of KCH 36 Fossebridge: Noted.
c) Parish Footpath Map: The Chairman had compiled a map showing the Rights of Way in the parish with their identification numbers to include on the Parish Council website, this was agreed. It was felt this would be an excellent addition to the website, assisting people to use the GCC map which was difficult to negotiate.
Mr Morgan reported on the lack of signage on the paths around Hartshill, it was agreed to include on the next agenda.
Playing Field:
a) To consider the Annual Inspection Report for the Adult Exercise Equipment: This was all in order.
b) To consider we wish to take up the offer from The Play Inspection Company to undertake a rolling repeat inspection: It was proposed from the Chair and seconded by Mr G Broad to take up the offer to undertake a rolling repeat inspection, agreed.
The Grass Keep Field:
a) Drama Group Storage: The Chairman had completed the application for the larger building and it was now ready to be submitted. She was duly thanked for doing this and she reported she hoped to submit it in the next few days. Mr Kingsley had received some quotes for the building and was currently awaiting further quotes for the base.
Trees at The Hemplands: As nothing further had been heard from Jenny Forde, it was agreed to remind her again. It was further agreed to ask Mrs Taylor to discuss the potential cost for the work with Richard Handy.
Chedworth Village Hall:
a) The Village Hall Sign Dealt with earlier on the agenda.
b) Future Parish Council Meetings: An email had been received regarding the re-opening of the Village Hall and the new conditions for hirers. After some discussion it was agreed to delay until nearer the September meeting to make a decision about whether it should be a face to face or a virtual meeting.
Rendcomb Airfield: An email had been received from Mr Akhurst from Chedworth Laines regarding noise from Rendcomb Airfield. After some discussion it was agreed to reply and ask Mr Akhurst if he was aware of any regulations which governed this type of activity and where the Council could find useful guidance to support any comments they may wish to make regarding the issue. Meanwhile Mr David Broad would do some research.
1. Community Heartbeat Trust (Replacement Pads) (£38.00 + VAT) £45.60 Retrospective,
prop. R Jess, sec. D Broad
2. Castle Water £10.82 Retrospective, prop. R Jess, sec. A Kingsley
3. Bibury (Tuns Hill £260.00 & Verge Cutting £364.00 + £40.00 arisings removal)
(£664.00 + VAT) £796.80. Councillors were surprised by the amount charged for the two
areas of verge cutting compared to the charges for cutting two areas in Cheap Street and
Hawks Lane last year, it was agreed to ask how they had arrived at that charge. It was agreed to pay £336.00 + VAT which was for the cutting of Tuns Hill, prop. R Jess, sec. D Broad
4. Clerks Quarterly Telephone/Broadband Contribution £86.60, prop. A Kingsley, sec. I Morgan
5. Cottage Garden Services (Playing Field Cutting July) (£80.00 + VAT) £96.00, prop. R Jess, sec. G Broad
6. The Play Inspection Company (Annual Inspection of Adult Exercise Equipment) (£85.00 + VAT) £102.00, prop. A McLellan, sec. I Morgan
7. Council in receipt of £200.00 Annual Ground Rent from HVLTC
8. Council in receipt of £10.82 Reimbursement of Grass Keep Water Bill
Mr Morgan referred to the quarterly financial reviews which were undertaken by the Clerk and himself. These had not been done recently because virtual meetings were being held. It was agreed that if face to face meetings had not recommenced by October, arrangements should be made for the Clerk and Mr Morgan to undertake a financial review.
Hill and Valley: Several items were agreed to include in the September edition which would be written by the Chairman.
Mr McLellan referred to the email regarding siting a building on the playing field from pre-school which was received too late to be included on the agenda for this meeting. It was agreed to include on the next agenda. An email had been received earlier today from Ann Watt about parking at Rookery Lane. The Clerk would pass on the PCSO details to Mrs Watt.
The meeting concluded at 8.57pm.
NEXT MEETING: Monday 14th September at 7.30pm.