PRESENT: Mrs R Jess (Chairman), Mr D Broad, Mr G Broad, Mr A Kingsley, Mr A McLellan, Mr I Morgan and Mrs E Broad (Clerk)
APOLOGIES: Were received from Mrs S Moore County Councillor Paul Hodgkinson and District Councillor Jenny Forde
CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES: Parish Council Meeting 12th August 2019 were agreed and signed as a true record.
DECLARATION OF INTERESTS: The Chairman reminded Councillors of the need to declare interests as necessary.
OPEN SESSION FOR THE PUBLIC: Sally Morgan asked about the Council’s response to her planning application at Cherry Orchard and was told that the Parish Council has raised no objection.
John Selway read a statement on behalf of the Village Hall committee requesting funding from the Parish Council for a £1000 per month for a co-ordinator working approximately 20 hours per week.
He said that a formal application would be received by the October meeting.
The Council then went into closed session to discuss the Village Hall agenda items.
The Village Hall:
a) To consider any application for funding received: The Council was informed this would be received by the October meeting.
b) To consider the village hall committee’s enquiry regarding what type of funding the Parish Council would consider providing to the Village Hall: Mr Morgan asked for this to be included on the agenda to give the Village Hall committee an idea of what type of funding the Parish Council may consider giving. After some discussion, Mr Morgan proposed that the Parish Council should agree in principle to fund some running costs subject to a satisfactory application. This proposal was not seconded. It was then proposed by Mr D Broad and seconded from the Chair to consider supporting the Village Hall with capital projects. Mr Morgan then proposed an amendment to add “and ringfence a sum for the Village Hall for capital projects subject to a satisfactory bid being presented with outline costings, the sum to be considered when VH committee come forward with a request”. This was seconded by Mr McLellan and agreed with three in favour, two against and one abstention. The substantive motion was then passed with three in favour, two against and one abstention.
The Chairman then reopened the public session to allow public comments regarding the pre-school item. Mr Pierce commented that Sarah Smith and her colleague from pre-school had raised £600 towards the building. When Council reconvened the Chairman referred to the email received from the Chairman of the Pre-school Building Group, Sarah Wembridge, stating that the committee’s choice of site was Site 1 which was the position nearest to the road, and asking for this to be offered by the Parish Council. It was proposed from the Chair and seconded by Mr Broad to agree in principle to offer this site for the proposed new pre-school building, agreed.
It was then agreed to discuss the drama group shed and the request from the Horticultural Society to share the storage space.
The Grass Keep Field:
a) Drama Group Storage: Chairman……………………….
i) To receive an update on the current progress: Mr Kingsley had circulated several emails outlining his discussions with representatives of the drama group. He reported that they were currently awaiting three quotes for the concrete base. Mr David Broad said he thought it was time to think about submitting a planning application. After some discussion it was agreed that the Chairman would meet on site with Mr D Broad and Mr Kingsley to consider where the building should go and measure up the site.
ii) To consider the request from Mr Colbeck allowing the Horticultural Society to use the storage:
Mr Colbeck was present at the meeting and the Chairman invited him to explain what storage was required by the Horticultural Society. He explained that they were looking for an area of around 17ft x 7ft and they have some funds to help with the costs. When Council reconvened, it was pointed out that the area required was similar to what was required by the drama group and the proposed building would not be big enough for both. After some discussion the Chairman informed Mr Colbeck that the Parish Council would do its best to help the Horticultural Society but this was dependant on what planning approval could be achieved.
19/02827/FUL Cotswold House – Alterations – No objection but concern raised regarding the proximity to the footpath to the proposed swimming pool.
19/02827/FUL Cherry Orchard – Indoor Riding Arena – No objection
19/03278/TCONR Hills Farm – Tree Works
19/03202/TCONR Denfurlong House – Tree Works
19/03203/TCONR Springfield House – Tree Works
Appeal Decisions – Primrose Cottage
Appeal A (18/00157/OTHER) – Allowed in part and the enforcement notice is varied
Appeal B (18/03955/FUL) – Dismissed
Traffic in Village and Road Matters:
a) Traffic Speed on Fields Road:
i) To receive an update on setting up a new Speed Watch group: Councillors D Broad, G Broad and A McLellan had attended the speed watch training. It was agreed that they would now arrange to borrow the equipment to use for a couple of sessions on Fields Road. Mr G Broad had obtained some quotes for purchasing a VAS electronic speed sign, this would cost around £2,500. It was agreed to do a couple of speed checks first and decide if the Council should purchase the sign based on the results.
b) Maintenance of Verges: Mr Morgan referred to an email from Mr Hamilton saying that spraying of the nettles adjacent to his land off Fields Road would affect the farm’s organic status. It was agreed that in view of this not to go ahead. Mr Morgan reported that Brian Brazington was due to cut the verges and collect the arisings towards the end of September. Mr Morgan asked that a notice should be placed on Next Door informing villagers that the piles of arisings may not be removed immediately but would be taken away as soon as practical.
c) To receive any update on the blocked drain on the airfield: Nothing further.
d) Overhanging Vegetation: Bibury had cut the two areas identified at the last meeting. Mr David Broad had lopped off some saplings which were overhanging on the verge opposite Cromwell House and also some vegetation around the speed limit signs along Fields Road, he was thanked by the Chairman. Mr Morgan spoke about the plan to clear roadside vegetation in areas around the village and agreed to circulate a map.
e) Chedworth Road Withington: Notification had been received from GCC Highways that the matter had now been dealt with. There were still numerous potholes and cracks which could prove extremely dangerous, particularly to cyclists. It was agreed to ask Paul Hodgkinson to take the matter up with GCC Highways to get them to think again about doing a proper repair job on the road.
f) Tuns Hill Triangle: It was proposed from the Chair and seconded by Mr D Broad to ask Bibury to do a further cut and clear, agreed,
g) Water Leak on Cooks Hill: An email had been received from David Edelsten. regarding the water constantly running down Cooks Hill and raising concerns that in the winter this steep road will become extremely dangerous. It was agreed to pass this on to Highways asking them to resolve the issue. It was further agreed to copy this to Mr Edelsten.
a) KCH 16 Bridleway on Airfield: As nothing further had been heard on the installation of a gate, it was agreed to write a gentle reminder to Mr Hamilton.
b) KCH 20: As nothing further had been heard on the installation of the signs, it was agreed to write a gentle reminder to Mr Hamilton.
c) Footpath opposite the Seven Tuns to Church Row: A reply had been received from Mike Barton GCC PROW stating that he was unlikely to be able to resurface the footpath in this financial year. It was agreed to write and ask him to confirm that if he was unable to fund the works in this financial year he would include them in next year’s budget as this was a very well walked path and was in a dangerous state. Meanwhile it was agreed to get some quotes to patch the path and also to resurface it so the Parish Council knew what costs were involved. Mr Kingsley agreed to do this.
d) KCH 36 at Fossebridge: Mr Barton, GCC Highways, had emailed to say he had the opening of the closed footpath in hand. It was agreed to ask Mrs Moore to check up on the state of the path.
The Playing Field:
a) Playing Field Fencing: As the provision of wire on the fence adjacent to the play area had not been done, it was agreed to ask Phillip Dickenson to quote. It was proposed from the Chair and seconded by Mr D Broad that if this was less than £200 to ask him go ahead, agreed.
b) Seat on Playing Field: Mr David Broad had given the seat one coat of paint and was duly thanked by the Chairman.
c) Clearance of area in front of Valley View:
i) It was noted that Pete Heaps did not wish to do the work because he was concerned that it would be unsafe because there was nothing to prevent children running onto the road:
ii) The need to provide a barrier adjacent to the kissing gate: It was agreed to seek quotes for installing fencing on the piece of land below the tennis court and opposite Valley View. The fence is intended to prevent small children from being able to get out over the wall and onto the road so did not need to be a full height post and 3 rails but could be lower. The fence needed to run close to the old wall, from the existing fence to the kissing gate, with slip rails adjacent to the gate so that a trailer could get through.
The Grass Keep Field:
a) Drama Group Storage:
i) To receive an update on the current progress from Cllr. Kingsley: Dealt with earlier in the meeting.
ii) To consider the request from Mr Colbeck allowing the Horticultural Society to use the storage:
Dealt with earlier in the meeting.
Chapel Graveyard: After some discussion it was proposed from the Chair and seconded by Mr D Broad to ask Bibury to do a full cut and for councillors to then go and have a look at the graveyard to see what the problems were, agreed.
The Village Hall:
a) To consider any application for funding received: Dealt with earlier in the meeting.
b) To consider the village hall committee’s enquiry regarding what type of funding the Parish Council would consider providing to the Village Hall: Dealt with earlier in the meeting.
Pre-school Building:
a) To agree in principle to the location for the pre-school building: Dealt with earlier in the meeting.
The Emergency Plan: Mr McLellan reported that he was currently working on updating the plan and he hoped to have this done by the November meeting.
The Parish Council Website: Mr G Broad reported that the website was progressing with extra items being added and asked Councillors to submit a photo for the contacts page.
Defibrillators: The checking of the Seven Tuns defibrillator was up to date. Mr Morgan asked to be kept informed if there were any further problems.
Clerks Quarterly Salary £647.00, prop. I Morgan, sec. A McLellan
Clerks Quarterly Mileage £14.40, prop. A Kingsley, sec. I Morgan
Zurich Municipal (Insurance Renewal) £490.79 – As this figure was a substantial increase from last year and it was noted also included two items which we do not require at the moment, temporary cover for a speed camera and the stable which has not yet been built and may not be for some time. It was agreed to write and ask them to remove these items and adjust our quotation accordingly
Hill and Valley News: Several items were agreed to be included in the October edition which would be an on-line edition and be written by the Chairman.
The problem nuisance calls, especially to older residents, was raised. The Chairman would write a piece for general information in the November edition.
The meeting concluded at 9.33pm
NEXT MEETING: Monday 14th October 2019 at 7.30pm.