PRESENT: Mrs R Jess (Chairman), Mr D Broad, Mr G Broad, Mr A Kingsley, Mr A McLellan, Mrs S Moore, Mr I Morgan and Mrs E Broad (Clerk)
APOLOGIES: Were received from County Councillor Paul Hodgkinson
CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES: Parish Council Meeting 14th October 2019 were agreed and signed as a true record
The Chairman spoke about the recent sudden death in a road accident of former Parish Councillor Lindy Gallagher. Lindy served two separate terms on Chedworth Parish Council from November 2005 until January 2009 and from July 2011 until May 2015. Mrs Moore spoke about her dedication in heading the Parish Plan Steering Group in 2008.
DECLARATION OF INTERESTS: The Chairman reminded Councillors of the need to declare interests as necessary.
OPEN SESSION FOR THE PUBLIC: Mr Hamilton was opposed to the extent of the work the Council wished to carry out on a stretch of KCH 22, which the Parish Council agreed to get re-surfaced at the last meeting. Mr Harrison and Miss Callard also spoke about this.
19/03964/FUL Umona, Fields Road – Erection of 3 Dwellings – The Chairman declared an interest and left the meeting. The Vice Chairman, Mr David Broad, took the Chair for this item. Mr Andy Miles indicated that he wished to speak on the application, this was agreed. Mr Miles explained the application and other members of the public present also commented. When Council reconvened it was proposed by Mr McLellan and seconded by Mrs Moore to raise no objection, agreed. The Chairman re-joined the meeting at this point.
19/03554/FUL Barn at Hills Farm – Change of use of Barn, Extension & Alterations – No objection but it was agreed to raise their concerns that the access may be difficult for emergency vehicles.
Applications being heard at CDC Planning Committee on 13th November
18/04188/FUL Bliss Cottage – Mr D Broad offered to attend the meeting to state that the Parish Council had no objection to the application, this was agreed.
19/02890/FUL Cherry Orchard, Fossecross – The applicant, Sally Morgan, indicated she wished to speak on this application, which was agreed. When Council reconvened, Mr David Broad offered to state that the Parish Council had no objection to the application at the meeting, this was agreed.
The proposed housing development on Fields Road: – To consider Outline Display received – It was agreed to note this and await the planning application to make comments.
It was agreed to bring item 96.2 (b) forward on the agenda.
Footpath KCH 22 opposite the Seven Tuns to Church Row: A notification, signed by two Councillors had been received by the Clerk prior to the meeting requesting the item be revisited again after a decision at the last meeting, to comply with Standing Orders. Objections had been received from the Chedworth Society to the resurfacing of the path in tarmac, although it was reported that it had been tarmac for as long as anyone can remember. Following the objection, a meeting had been arranged for Councillors to meet with Danny Taylor, GCC Highways on 20th November to discuss the issues. The item would be brought back to the next meeting.
Traffic in Village and Road Matters:
a) Traffic Speed on Fields Road: Nothing further to report. Mr McLellan was to attend the meeting on Thursday and report back.
b) Maintenance of Verges: It was felt that the verges looked very tidy and a query on social media regarding the cutting of verges on the parish boundary at Ashwell. The group were looking into this.
c) Roadside Vegetation: Nothing further.
d) Chedworth Road Withington: Nothing further.
e) Tuns Hill Triangle: A further cut had been done by Bibury.
f) GCC Notification of Temporary Road Closures:
a) KCH 16 & KCH 20 at Manor Farm: The gate on Bridleway KCH 16 had been installed, Mr Hamilton, who was in the audience, was duly thanked by the Chairman. Mr Hamilton was invited to report on the signage on KCH 20 and reported that the diversion boards were now in place.
b) Footpath KCH 22 opposite the Seven Tuns to Church Row: Dealt with earlier on the agenda.
c) KCH 58 South of Fields Road: A reply had been received from Mike Barton following the last meeting saying the fence was only temporary as the sheep would be moved shortly. The Chairman reported that the fence was still in place as the sheep were still in the field. It was agreed to write bringing this to the attention of Frank Dorrington who was now overseeing this area at PROW.
The Playing Field:
a) Playing Field Fencing: The Clerk was asked to chase up the provision of wire on the fence adjacent to the play area with Philip Dickenson.
b) Clearance of area in front of Valley View: The Clerk was asked to chase up the installation of a fence with Philip Dickenson.
The Grass Keep Field:
a) Drama Group Storage: Nothing further had been heard from the drama group. Mr D Broad reported that he was awaiting details of the building required from the drama group so that the planning application could be submitted.
Chapel Graveyard:
a) To consider any further action needed in the graveyard including a quote from Bibury to fill the ant holes etc: The graveyard had been cut. An estimate of £100.00 + VAT had been received to flatten the ant hills to allow a safe path to be mown to access the graves. Mrs Moore was concerned about the ant hills being flattened. The Chairman had asked Cottage Garden Services if they would be willing to mow a path when the visited the village to cut the Playing Field as the graveyard needed to remain open and safe to walk in. It was proposed from the Chair and seconded by Mr Kingsley to ask Bibury to create a level path before the growing season starts in the Spring,
a ceiling of £150.00 for this work was agreed, with one abstention.
The Village Hall:
a) To receive an update on any meeting of the working group: An email had been received from Nigel Adams, CDC, suggesting a member of the legal section at CDC or someone from GAPTC in response to a query from Cllr Jenny Forde for a neutral Chairman for any meetings. It was felt this was a bit premature as a meeting was due to be held on Friday. The group were asked to report back to the next meeting.
Pre-school Building: An email had been received from the Chairman of the committee, Sarah Wembridge, saying that some of the committee members have resigned from the committee. Mrs Moore said that she was not aware of the resignations. The group was still considering whether to site the proposed building at the school or the playing field. Mr Morgan asked Mr G Broad to provide a report from the Village Hall Committee on the likely affect of the pre-school staying at the Village Hall.
Emergency Plan: Mr McLellan was in the process of updating this and provided a draft showing area wardens and emergency numbers. A couple of points had been raised with him, a spring in gallows lane has reappeared, causing a possible problem with ice forming and an additional grit bin was required in Green Lane. It was stated that the approval of Highways was needed for siting grit bins and it was agreed to raise this with Danny Taylor at the meeting on 20th November. Mrs Moore offered to provide an old type round grit bin for Green Lane, but it would require filling. Mr McLellan produced a copy of the pamphlet circulated by the previous Parish Council but needed updating and modifying. It was felt this should not be printed out and delivered to every household as it had been previously, but should be on-line. The Chairman thanked Mr McLellan.
The Parish Council Website: Progress was being made with adding information, including adding the Councillors register of interest forms. The Chairman thanked Mr G Broad
Phone Box between The Vicarage & The Paddocks: An email had been received from Lucy Hatherell, asking the Parish Council to consider funding the renovation of the phone box. It was agreed to reply that the box was still operational and was the responsibility of BT.
Seven Tuns Defibrillator: It was reported that Paul Sibbald was leaving the village shortly so would be unable to continue with the checks. Mr Morgan agreed to speak to the owners of the Seven Tuns to see if they would be prepared to carry out the monthly checks, if not he would do them.
Clerks Quarterly Telephone/Broadband Contribution £80.50, prop. S Moore, sec. A Kingsley
R Jess (Bulbs for Defibrillator) £11.90, prop. S Moore, sec. G Broad
Cottage Garden Services (Playing Field & Diggers Field Cutting) (£120.00 + VAT) £144.00, Prop. R Jess, sec. D Broad
Cottage Garden Services (Playing Field Cutting) (£80.00 + VAT) £96.00 Retrospective, prop. R Jess, sec. S Moore
Quarterly Financial Review by Cllr. Morgan & the Clerk to be undertaken after the meeting
Hill and Valley News: Some items were identified for the December/January edition which would be written by the Chairman.
The meeting concluded at 9.14pm.
NEXT MEETING: Monday 9th December 2019 at 7.30pm.