PRESENT; Mrs R Jess (Chairman of the Parish Council in the Chair).
Parish Councillors: Mr D Broad, Mr G Broad, Mr I Robertson & Mrs E Broad (Parish Clerk) 15 Electors
APOLOGIES: Were received from Parish Councillors Mr M Fulford & Mr C Poulton
CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES: The Minutes of the Extraordinary Parish Meeting held on 29th October 2018 were read by the Clerk, agreed and signed as a true record.
MATTERS ARISING: There were none.
CHAIRMANS REPORT: The Chairman gave her report and it is attached to these Minutes.
Chedworth Allotment Charity: Mr Finch gave a brief report on the charity and reported one expenditure of £1,000, to the Village Hall for the Disabled Toilet, and a slight loss in capital value. Mr Finch referred the recent meeting with the Community Lands Charity and stated that the charity needed to know if any one needed help. The Chairman thanked Mr Finch.
Community Lands Charity: Mr Bowley gave a brief report on the Charity which recorded an increase in income of approximately £400 to £7,200. He reported that grants were made to the usual parish organisations and individuals. Representatives from the charity also took part in the Parish Council “Charities Review” along with the Allotment Charity. The Chairman thanked Mr Bowley.
Hugh Westwood Educational Trust: There was a written report from Rosalind Marsden which was read by the Chairman.
Chedworth Village Trust: Mr Isaac gave a brief report on the Chedworth Village Trust which included details of recent grants to Students, the Village Hall & the Guides. The Trust has approximately £176,000 in capital which they aim to maintain and use the income from this to make awards. The Chairman thanked Mr Isaac.
Cotswolds Conservation Board: Mr David Broad gave a brief report on the board on which he represents group 4 which includes some 33 parishes. He reported that the board was trying to raise awareness within the parishes. He also reported on the proposals currently being considered regarding the board becoming a National Park. The Chairman thanked Mr Broad.
Chedworth Village Hall: The Chairman, Mr Simon Colbeck, gave a brief report on the Village Hall. He explained that the committee were in the process of reviewing the management structure of the Village Hall and also the booking were up and the turn over last year was around £14,000. He spoke about grants and match funding to obtain these and reported that they were seeking financial support from the Parish Council and also taking advice from Barbara Pond at GRCC. The Chairman thanked Mr Colbeck.
Reports from County & District Councillors: Neither Councillor Hodgkinson or Councillor Forde were present at the meeting.
Any Other Business:
Mr Bowley spoke about the letter from Thames Water, delivered to residents regarding road works in Middle Chedworth, which did not happen. The Chairman suggested Mr Bowley came and asked Thames Water when they attended the April Parish Council meeting. There was also comments about the compensation payments residents received from Thames Water because of all the water outages we have had.
Mr Musgrave, Mr Moore & Mr Pierce spoke about the need for a purpose built pre-school building to free up space in the Village Hall. It was suggested that charity money could be used for this as it would be an asset to the village. Other parishioners spoke of the advantage of this and it was suggested that a working party could be formed with interested persons to look into this. It was felt that the Village Hall was probably the best place for the building to be sited. After further discussion and clarification that a proposal could be made at this meeting, which would not be binding on the Parish Council, it was proposed by Mr Selway and seconded by Mr Pierce that a working party of interested persons should be formed to look into the possibility of proving a purpose built building for the pre-school, agreed.
Mr Musgrave referred to the fact that there was only one more meeting of the current Parish Council before the elections in May, he thanked all the Parish Councillors for their work for the community.
The Chairman thanked Mr Musgrave and closed the meeting at 8.35pm.