PRESENT: Mrs R Jess (Chairman), Mr D Broad, Mr G Broad, Mr A Kingsley, Mr A McLellan, Mr I Morgan and Mrs E Broad (Clerk)
APOLOGIES: Were received from County Councillor Paul Hodgkinson & District Councillor Jenny Forde
CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES: Parish Council Meeting 27th January 2020 were agreed and signed as a true record.
DECLARATION OF INTERESTS: The Chairman to remind Councillors of the need to declare interests as necessary.
VACANCY ON CHEDWORTH PARISH COUNCIL: No election has been requested. It was agreed to publicise the vacancy on the Council to enable a new member to be co-opted at the March meeting.
OPEN SESSION FOR THE PUBLIC: No public were present.
19/04660/CLOPUD Laurel Cottage – Certificate of Lawful Proposed Use: It was agreed to respond that the Parish Council was surprised that these works, which would have a major detrimental impact on the Conservation Area , were allowed without requiring planning permission and would query the applicant’s contention that the wall is only 80cm high. This stretch of Queen Street is very steep and narrow and the access will need to have a wide splay because of this which will completely change the appearance of the Conservation Area.
19/03964/FUL Umona – Additional Details – No further comments
20/00293/FUL The Orchard – Barn – No objection
Traffic in Village and Road Matters:
a) Roadside Vegetation: It was reported that Brian Brazington had carried out the work around the village to cut back roadside hedges and trees. Mr Morgan reported that he had heard back from Danny Taylor, GCC Highways regarding the verges currently cut by GCC Highways and would come back to the next meeting with a proposal.
b) Grit Bin: Mr McLellan reported that the two grit bins had been added to the Gloucestershire Highways list and that all the bins were still almost full.
c) Hedges on roadside in Middle Chedworth: GCC Highways had responded to say they did not consider the hedges to be a hazard and will be taking no action. The Parish Council did not agree with this and agreed to revisit this again in a couple of months.
d) The Lower part of Cooks Hill: GCC Highways had begun work on the day of the meeting to carry out repairs to the road and also a small area further up the road near Fords Cottage.
e) Water leak/spring at top of Gallows Lane: Mr Morgan reported that some workmen had recently visited the site but nothing further had been heard from GCC Highways.
a) Diversion Order 2019 Footpaths KCH 17 & KCH 19 Hartshill: The order has been received and it was confirmed that it matched the proposals previously presented to the Council.
b) Horses Ash Lane Blocked by Fallen Trees: An email had been received from Jayne King saying the lane was blocked. It was agreed to pass this onto GCC Highways.
The Grass Keep Field:
a) Drama Group Storage: Mr D Broad reported he had run into problems with the planning application and asked for someone else to take this on. It was agreed that the Chairman would do this with the help of Mr Kingsley. Mr Broad would pass on the paperwork he had done so far.
Chapel Graveyard:
a) Fallen wall in Graveyard: A further quotation had been received from Andy Chapel for £695.00 to £795.00 for 5 metres of wall. It was proposed from the Chair and seconded by Mr D Broad to accept this quote, agreed.
The Village Hall:
a) Custodian Trustee: The Chairman had done some further research with GAPTC regarding the position of individual Parish Councillors. They had referred the Parish Council to LTN 28 and reiterated that there was nothing stopping individual Councillors from being on the Village Hall Management Committee.
The Emergency Plan: It was reported that the extract of the emergency plan relating to winter weather and list of emergency wardens was now on the Parish Council website. After some discussion it was agreed that Mr McLellan should continue to update the full plan.
Neighbourhood Community Group meeting to be held at Daglingworth Village Hall on 5th March 2020 at 7pm: Noted.
Telephone Box between the Vicarage and The Paddocks: An email had been received from Lucy
Hatherell stating that she had been in touch with BT and they were going to repaint the box this year.
The Lower End Noticeboard: It was agreed to decide whether to refurbish the noticeboard at the next meeting when Councillors had been able to go and have a look at it.
Freedom of Information request from Colin Peirce for detailed budget analysis for the financial years 19/20 and 20/21: It was agreed to forward the information as requested and also put the budget details on Facebook and Nextdoor.
Clerks Quarterly Telephone/Broadband Contribution £81.00, prop. A Kingsley, sec. R Jess
Council in receipt of £240.00 Playing Field Rental from Folk Camps for booking 22nd to 26th May 2020.
Hill and Valley News: Several items were identified for the March edition which would be written by the Chairman.
The meeting concluded at 8.36pm.
NEXT MEETING: Monday 9th March 2020 at 7.30pm.