




PRESENT:  Mrs R Jess (Chairman), Mr D Broad, Mr G Broad, Mr A McLellan, Mr I Morgan and Mrs E Broad (Clerk)


APOLOGIES:  Mr A Kingsley


CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES:      Parish Council Meeting 13th May 2019 were agreed and signed as a true record.


CO-OPTION OF NEW MEMBER:   Mrs Susie Moore had emailed asking to be considered for co-option.  It was proposed from the Chair and seconded by Mr D Broad to co-opt Mrs Susie Moore to fill the vacant seat on the Council, agreed.  Mrs Moore took her seat at the table and signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office book and Code of Conduct form.


DECLARATION OF INTERESTS:  The Chairman reminded Councillors of the need to declare interests as necessary.


OPEN SESSION FOR THE PUBLIC:  Jo Todd spoke about the email she had sent to the Parish Council regarding electric power points for charging electric cars and planning concerns.  Mr Peirce presented the latest plans for the pre-school.  The Friends of Chedworth Pre-school had chosen a site on the playing field on the boundary with the village hall land immediately behind the goal posts and presented the group’s case for the location.


The Chairman then brought forward these two agenda items for discussion.


Electric Car Charging Points and Planning:  The email received from Jo Todd was considered.  Her points about electric car charging points were noted and councillors agreed to keep her comments in mind when considering planning applications. It was also agreed that any infringements of planning should be reported.


Chedworth Pre-school:  Mrs Moore raised the issue of interests as she was a member of the group set up to raise funds and provide the building for pre-school but said she had no financial interest in the project. The Chairman and Clerk were unsure as to how to advise her regarding whether she should declare an interest and she remained for the discussion.  Mr Peirce had presented the plans to Councillors which showed the location on Parish Council land and asked for a decision or some indication as to whether the Council would look favourably on the proposal. The Chairman explained that as the agenda item made no reference to the request for Parish land but simply referred to an update on the proposal, it would not be possible to make a decision at this meeting and on an issue of this importance, Councillors needed time to consider the request.

It was agreed to publicise the proposal in the Hill and Valley, on Facebook and Nextdoor and consider again at the July meeting.  Mr Peirce agreed to peg out the site to show the size and location of the building proposed




18/01681/FUL Cherry Orchard, Fossecross– New Details

19/01624/FUL Magnolia House – Extension




19/01886/TCONR Ashcombe Edge – Tree Works




Traffic in Village and Road Matters:  


  1. a) Grit Bin on the Tuns Hill Triangle: Councillors George Broad, Tony Kingsley & Alan McLellan had sited the Grit Bin on Tuns Hill helped by Tim and Jeannie Hamilton.  The Councillors were thanked by the Chairman and it was agreed to also thank Mr and Mrs Hamilton for their assistance.  The broken lid on the old grit bin was discussed.  Mr D Broad and Mr G Broad agreed to remove it.
  2. b) Traffic Speed on Fields Road:
  3. a) To receive an update on borrowing the speed checking equipment:  The Chairman would speak to the police about borrowing this.  Three more volunteers had come forward to use the devise.  Councillor Hodgkinson reported from the audience that training would be given by the police as had happened in North Cerney.  The Chairman would look into this further.
  1. b) To receive an update on an electronic speed checking devise:  An offer of borrowing a sign had been received from Shipton Parish Council.  It was agreed to accept this offer and arrange temporary cover on the Parish Council insurance for the sign.
  1. c) Cutting of Verges:  An email had been received from Charmaine Hulbert raising concerns about the cutting of verges following a cut from the County Council.  The Chairman had circulated a suggested reply which was amended at the meeting, it was agreed to send this. Mr Morgan offered to speak to Brian Brazington about alternative ways to deal with the verge cutting in future.



  1. a) KCH 16 Bridleway on Airfield: As nothing further had been heard on the installation of a gate, it was agreed to write again to Mrs Hamilton.
  2. b) KCH 20:  As nothing further had been heard it was agreed to write again to Mrs Hamilton.
  3. c) Obstructions on KCH 32: Mr David Broad had cleared the fallen tree blocking the path and was thanked by the Chairman.  Concern was expressed that the path was not on its correct route and it is extremely overgrown and difficult to locate.  It was agreed to write to Stowell Park asking for the correct line of the path to be reinstated. 


The Playing Field:

  1. a) Playing Field Fencing: The Clerk was asked to chase up the provision of wire on the fence

adjacent to the play area if it had not been done.

  1. b) Area below Tennis Courts: The Chairman had spoken to Pete Heaps who confirmed he did use the Green Bin provided.  It was proposed by Mr G Broad and seconded by Mr McLellan to obtain a further green bin licence from CDC, agreed.  Mr D Broad was concerned that a pile of larger rubbish was appearing again.  Mr D Broad and Mr G Broad offered to remove this with their trailer.
  2. c) Tree Stumps: These had been removed by Philip Dickenson.
  3. d) Seat on Playing Field: Mr D Broad had the refurbishment and moving of the seat in hand.
  4. e) To consider the feedback received from Folk Camps weekend: This had been passed on by the Village Hall, it stated that that the Folk Camp experienced difficulties in getting onto the field.  The Parish Council was surprised to learn that they had used the gate from the Village Hall car park to get vehicles onto the field, the correct access was from the road gate at the far end of the field which was why the slip rail had not been removed.  Unfortunately, in trying to remove the slip rail, the





post had been damaged.  A quotation had been received from Philip Dickenson of £30.00 to re-fix it. It was agreed to pass this charge onto the Folk Camps as it was understood they had agreed to pay.


The Grass Keep Field:

  1. a) Drama Group Storage: Nothing further had been heard from the Drama Group.  The Chairman reported that she had been approached by Simon Colbeck to ask if the Horticultural Society could share the storage.  The Chairman asked Mr Colbeck to confirm in writing exactly how large an area was required.


Chapel Graveyard:  It was felt that a path round the graveyard to aid access to he graves should be cut throughout the summer.  After some discussion it was agreed to ask Mr and Mrs Blackwell if they would be prepared to cut a path round the graveyard to enable visitors to access at least part of the area.


The Village Hall:

  1. a) To report any items from the Village Hall AGM which may impact on the Parish Council: Several members of the Parish Council attended the Village Hall AGM where discussion on the proposed new constitution took place which included a proposal to exclude Parish Councillors from being trustees on the Village Hall Management Committee as the Parish Council was the Custodian Trustee.  Mr D Broad said he thought that the Village Hall had been given incorrect advice on this matter.  The Chairman invited Mr Musgrave to speak from the audience as he had further information on the subject. He agreed that the advice which had been given may have been incorrect and he suggested that it might be useful for the Parish Council to get its own advice from GRCC.  After some discussion, it was agreed to wait for the outcome of the Village Hall Committee’s meeting with GRCC.
  2. b) Proposed exclusion of Parish Councillors from Village Hall Management Committee: Dealt with above.
  3. c) Report on the recent Village Hall Committee Meeting: Mr G Broad gave a brief update on the recent committee meeting.


Letter Box at Pancake Hill:  It was noted that Royal Mail had repaired, refurbished and recommissioned the Letter Box. The Chairman thanked Councillors Paul Hodgkinson and Jenny Forde for their help with this matter.  It was agreed to write to the Royal Mail asking them to specifically thank the technician who carried out the tricky welding job to enable the box to continue in use.


Village Hall Deeds:  Nothing further.


Chedworth Pre-school:  Dealt with earlier on the agenda.


The Parish Council Website: The Chairman reported that the hosting of the website had been transferred to 1&1.  Mr G Broad was in the process of setting up a temporary website.


The Parish Council Laptop Computer:  The Clerk reported that the Parish Council laptop was ailing.

It was agreed to get some further information and prices for the next meeting.


Electric Car Charging Points and Planning:  Dealt with earlier on the agenda.







  1. Clerks Quarterly Salary (inc. increase RPI January 2019 = 2.1%) £647.00, prop. S Moore,

       sec. A McLellan

  1. Clerks Quarterly Mileage (inc. Audit Mileage) £44.10, prop. R Jess, sec. S Moore
  2. Iain Selkirk (Internal Audit) £100.00, prop. R Jess, sec. D Broad
  3. Bibury (Tuns Hill Cut) (£209 00 + VAT) £250.80, prop. R Jess, sec. S Moore
  4. Donation towards the upkeep of the Church Graveyard – A request had been received from Mr

       Young asking for a donation towards grass cutting in the churchyard.  It was proposed from the Chair and seconded by Mrs Moore to donate £200.00 and ask that the money be used for a late season cut of the conservation area in the churchyard as the council had done last year, agreed.

  1. 2018/19 Annual Audit – The Clerk reported that accounts had been to Mr Selkirk and no issues had been raised.  The Clerk was thanked by Mrs Moore and the Chairman for her work on the audit.




Hill & Valley News:  Several items were agreed to be included in the July edition which would be written by the Chairman.


The meeting concluded at 9.36pm.


NEXT MEETING:  Parish Council Meeting – Monday 8th July 2019 at 7.30 pm.



