PRESENT: Mrs R Jess (Chairman), Mr D Broad, Mr G Broad, Mr A Kingsley, Mr A McLellan,
Mr I Morgan and Mrs E Broad (Clerk)
County Councillor Paul Hodgkinson from 8.10pm.
CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES: The minutes from the Parish Council Virtual Meeting 1st June 2020 were agreed as a true record.
DECLARATION OF INTERESTS: The Chairman to remind Councillors of the need to declare interests as necessary.
OPEN SESSION FOR THE PUBLIC: Mr & Mrs Kenning spoke about the village hall sign and the planning application in the field adjacent to the village hall. Mrs Taylor spoke about the trees outside her property at the Hemplands.
The Chairman brought the following items forward on the agenda.
20/02017/PLP Land North East of Village Hall – Outline permission for three dwellings – It was proposed from the Chair and seconded by Mr Kingsley to object for the following reasons:- 1) Impact on Village Hall – The Council is concerned that the properties are in such close proximity to the Village Hall that they would have an impact events, particularly late night events. Houses which are further away have in the past complained about noise from the hall and it would be detrimental to the hall if owners of the new houses forced a restriction on events at the hall. 2) Impact on Tennis Club – The Hill and Valley Tennis Club has submitted its own objections which the Parish Council supports. The new houses would be very close to the courts and would be seriously impacted by the floodlights which are an essential facility which enables the club to operate throughout the year. 3) Impact on Chedworth Pre-School – the outdoor facilities for the Pre-School are situated adjacent to the plot of land and would be next door to any gardens or new houses if the development was allowed, agreed.
The Village Hall Sign: Several emails and comments had been received concerning the recently erected sign. After some discussion it was proposed from the Chair and seconded by Mr Kingsley to pass on to the Village Hall Committee the fact that the Parish Council have received representations about the sign and ask if they would consider relocating it. It was felt that the sign was of a rather industrial nature for the location and dis make the approach to the hall rather cluttered, it was also felt that it served no real purpose in its current location, agreed.
Trees at The Hemplands: Mrs Taylor had asked for help in getting the trees outside her property cut. The Chairman had contacted District Councillor, Jenny Forde, and she had made some enquiries and sent a map. David Broad had looked into the ownership of the trees several years ago and established that this was a very complicated matter, he had amended the map sent by Cllr. Forde showing his findings. It was agreed to go back to Jenny Forde and ask if she has any further suggestions.
20/01554/FUL The Oxbyre – Extension & Alterations – object (Awaiting decision)
20/01713/TCONR Ansteys Cottage – Tree Work
20/01721/TCONR Well Cottage – Tree Works
20/02071/TCONR Amphlett House – Tree Works
20/02072/TCONR Old Railway Bank by Kimberley Cottage – Tree Works
20/01863/TCONR Rookery House – Tree Works
20/02253/TCONR Green Dell – Tree Works
20/02017/PLP Land North East of Village hall – Outline permission for three dwellings – Dealt with earlier on the agenda
Appeal Allowed – 18/04188/FUL Bliss Cottage – Extensions
CO-OPTION OF NEW COUNCILLOR: The Chairman reminded Councillors that there was still a vacancy for a Councillor which is to be filled by co-option.
Traffic in Village and Road Matters:
a) Roadside Verges:
i) To receive further information on the proposal that the Parish Council should take over total responsibility for cutting the verges (except visibility splays): Mr Morgan gave a brief report, he had manage to contact Shaun Morris, GCC Highways, and they were willing to allow the parish to take over the cutting of the verges in the parish except on the A429 Fosseway. There were 31km of verges and they would reimburse 4p per meter. A decision needed to be taken before 1st August to allow the contract to be signed. Brian Brazington would be willing to undertake a cut in September at a cost of around £1,700 and a map would have to be drawn up showing the verges to be cut. The Chairman asked if the visibility splays would still be cut by GCC Highways, Mr Morgan said he believed this would be the case. After some discussion it was proposed by Mr Morgan and seconded by Mr McLellan to inform GCC Highways the Parish Council wished to take over the cutting of the verges in the parish, and authorise Ian Morgan to sign the contract with GCC Highways on behalf of the Parish Council if the councillors approved the contract, agreed with three is favour and three abstentions. Mr Morgan agreed to circulate the contract to Councillors for their consideration
ii) To decide if any further areas of the village need separate strimming on safety grounds: No further areas were identified. The strimming agreed at the last meeting had been partially done, there had been a machinery breakdown so Tuns Hill needed finishing off.
b) Withington Hill: There had been several email exchanges between Paul Hodgkinson and GCC Highways officers regarding the promised resurfacing works on Withington Hill. County Highways had informed the Council and Cllr Hodgkinson that this was never the intention and that Withington Hill did not meet the criteria to be resurfaced. It was agreed to write to GCC Highways stating that Councillors were disappointed and felt very strongly that it was essential that works were carried out on the hill and would therefore continue to keep pressing until something satisfactory was done. For the past 18 months Councillors had repeatedly been saying that the road surface was extremely dangerous.
c) Winter update 2020 from GCC: It was noted that the Clerk has responded to a request for information. She had requested that Andy Chapel should be removed as Snow Plough Operator, informed them that Alan McLellan was now Snow Warden and confirmed that no more bagged salt was required at present.
Councillor Hodgkinson joined the meeting at this point and the Chairman invited him to report. He reported on the current Covid situation in Gloucestershire, the number of cases was very low at present. He also reported that some of the libraries in Gloucestershire had re-opened.
a) KCH 50 Hills Farm: McLellan had revisited the path and noted that the electric fence now had plastic protection over it.
The Grass Keep Field:
a) Drama Group Storage: Mr Kingsley had received several quotations for providing a 2 bay building and a 3 bay building. No company provided the base and building together, so the base would have to be built separately. Mr Kingsley would collate all of the quotes together to allow the Council to consider them and the Chairman agreed to work on submitting a further planning application for the larger building.
Trees at The Hemplands: Dealt with earlier on the agenda.
Chedworth Village Hall:
a) The Village Hall Snap Shot & Consolidated Scheme sent by Simon Colbeck: Noted
b) The Village Hall Sign: Dealt with earlier on the agenda.
Playing Field:
a) To consider the request for use by With the Ball Coaching and decide if a charge should be imposed: The Chairman had spoken to the organiser Ritchie Bell, and although this was a commercial operation there would be very few children. After some discussion it was proposed from the Chair and seconded by Mr Morgan that in these difficult times the Parish Council was happy to allow them to continue to use the field free of charge for the rest of the summer.
b) To note the request for use by the WI on 13th August: It was proposed from the Chair and seconded by Mr D Broad that no charge would be made, agreed. It was noted that the booking might clash with the football coaching, it was agreed to enquire what time the WI required the field.
To consider the purchase of MS Office Suite 365 for the Parish Council Laptop Computers: The
Clerk had circulated an email outlining out how useful MS Office Suite was on the Parish Council laptop. She had managed to get free use for the past year but this had now expired. It was proposed from the Chair and seconded by Mr Kingsley to purchase this for the best price of £57.99 from Amazon, agreed.
Purple Cat Ltd (Projector for VH) £3280.00 + VAT) £3936.00 Retrospective, prop. I Morgan, Sec. G Broad
Bibury (Path in Graveyard April/May) (£75.00 + VAT) £90.00 Retrospective, prop. R Jess, Sec. A McLellan
Cottage Garden services (Playing Field Cut May) (£80.00 + VAT) £96.00 Retrospective, prop. R Jess, sec. I Morgan
D Broad (Website Hosting May/June/July & domain renewal) £33.60, prop. I Morgan, Sec. A Kingsley
Cottage Garden Services (Playing Field Cutting June) (£80.00 + VAT) £96.00, prop. R Jess, sec. A McLellan
6 Castle Water – agreed to pay when correct invoice received
E Broad (Postage for Audit Envelope & 12 x 2nd Class Stamps) £9.63, prop. A Kingsley, Sec. R Jess
E Broad (Black Ink Cartridge for Printer) £11.00, prop. G Broad, sec. A McLellan
Community Heartbeat Trust (Battery for Tuns defibrillator (£235.00 + VAT) £282.00, Prop. A Kingsley, sec. I Morgan
Information Commissioner ICO Registration £40.00, prop. R Jess, sec. G Broad
Iain Selkirk (2019/20 Internal Audit) £100.00, prop. A Kingsley, sec. D Broad
Council in receipt of £2047.40 VAT Refund 2019/20
2019/20 Annual Audit – To note that the accounts had been returned from Mr Selkirk after he completed the internal audit and no issues have been raised by him. The Chairman thanked the Clerk and Councillor Morgan for keeping the accounts in order.
Hill and Valley: Some items for inclusion in the August on-line edition were agreed. This would be written by the Chairman.
NEXT MEETING: It was agreed to hold a further virtual meeting on Monday 10th August.
The meeting concluded at 8.47pm.