


PRESENT:  Mrs R Jess (Chairman), Mr D Broad, Mr G Broad, Mr A Kingsley, Mr A McLellan,

Mrs S Moore, Mr I Morgan and Mrs E Broad (Clerk)

CDC Councillor Jenny Forde

APOLOGIES:  Were received from County Councillor Paul Hodgkinson

CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES:      Parish Council Meeting 10th June 2019 were agreed and signed as a true record.

DECLARATION OF INTERESTS:  The Chairman to remind Councillors of the need to declare interests as necessary.  Mrs Moore raised the matter of her interest in the pre-school building project.  The Clerk had obtained the advice of Mrs Patel, monitoring officer at CDC, and her advice was that as Mrs Moore was a member of the group who was promoting this she should declare an interest and leave the meeting, but the decision was hers, as were the consequences for not doing so.

Mrs Moore said that she intended to declare an interest and leave when the siting of the building on Parish Council land was discussed, but she felt that once that decision was made she would no longer have an interest.  The Chairman said that she was sure that it would become obvious, when matters were discussed, whether Mrs Moore had an interest or not.

OPEN SESSION FOR THE PUBLIC:  The Chairman asked members of the public if they wished to speak on the pre-school building project before it was discussed, but they declined. The Chairman then invited members of the public present to speak on the planning application before they were discussed. 


18/04188/FUL Bliss Cottage – Extension & Alterations – Ceri Powell, the applicant spoke about this new application.  When Council reconvened, it was proposed from the Chair and seconded by Mr G Broad to raise no objection but comment on the need for off road electric car charging points to be provided, agreed.

19/02065/FUL Land East of Janes Cottage – New Dwelling & Associated Works – Several residents spoke about objections to the proposals. When Council reconvened, it was proposed by Mrs Moore and seconded by Mr D Broad to object on the grounds that this orchard was an open space of historical significance which should be preserved. The design was not appropriate in this location in the Chedworth Conservation area and did nothing to enhance the conservation area, agreed.    19/02172/FUL Manor Farm – Demolition and erection of new building for Cheese Making – No objection.


Appeal – APP/F1610/W/19/3224046 Primrose Cottage – Engineering operations to construct vehicular access, hardstanding and turning area – It was agreed to reiterate our previous objections to the planning inspectorate.

CDC Call for Sites 2019:  An email request from CDC, the Chairman invited Cllr. Jenny Forde to explain this request, which she did.  No sites could be identified in Chedworth at this time.


Pre-school Building:

  1. To consider the request from Friends of Chedworth Pre-school to site a new pre-school building on the Playing Field:
  2. To consider the previously-circulated documents “Shortlist of sites for Proposed New Build Chedworth Pre-School” and “Pre-school site considerations”: It was felt that these two items should be considered together.  Mrs Moore spoke briefly about the project and said that a business plan was being prepared and there was a possibility that more land may be required for a nursery. She then declared an interest and left the meeting. The site behind the goal post was considered at length and after some discussion it was proposed from the Chair and seconded by Mr D Broad that the Parish Council did not support locating the building in that area, agreed with 5 in favour and 1 against.  The Council then went on consider other possible sites on the Playing Field and two potential sites were identified. The sites suggested were the area where the adult gym equipment was situated, in the bottom right hand corner of the playing field, and the corner to the left of the access from the village hall car park.  Mr McLellan had obtained a quote to move the gym equipment and this would be in the region of £3,500.  It was proposed by Mr D Broad and seconded by Mr McLellan to ask the group to consider these two sites and come back to the Council again, agreed.  Mrs Moore rejoined the meeting at this point.

Traffic in Village and Road Matters:                              

a)   Traffic Speed on Fields Road:

  1. To receive an update on the speed checking equipment borrowed from Shipton Parish       Council:  The Chairman explained that when the speed monitor arrived it was set a 25mph and could not be altered.  It was therefore agreed to mount the monitor, covering the display and use it obtain data on the speed of traffic on Fields Road.
  2. To receive an update on setting up a new Speed Watch group: The Chairman had been in touch with the police regarding the training of volunteers and the borrowing of the kit. The training would be held at Cirencester Police Station.  Councillors D Broad, G Broad            and A McLellan volunteered to become speed watch volunteers, there would be eight volunteers in total.  It was agreed to contact the police to arrange for volunteers to be trained to use the speed monitoring equipment.
  1. Cutting of Verges: Mr Morgan reported that he had spoken to Brian Brazington who would not be able to do the one meter cut easily.  He agreed to speak to Danny Taylor regarding the verge cutting,
  2. To report to Highways that the blocked drain on the airfield has been partially cleared by a member of public and to request that the inaccessible length of pipe be jetted and the work included on a regular programme to prevent re occurrences: The Chairman reported the recurring problem of flooding on Chedworth airfield which has temporarily been resolved by a member of the public who had put himself in danger to unblock the drain during one of the recent severe storms. The water was right across the road, on the bend, and created an extremely dangerous situation for motorists.  It was agreed to write to Highways to request that the jetting of the pipe under the road became a regular part of their maintenance programme.
  3. Overhanging Vegetation: There were several places in the village where vegetation was overhanging the carriageway.  After some discussion it was agreed to write to the owners of  the roadside hedge opposite Cowslip Corner asking for it to be cut back and the Vicarage which had overhanging brambles hanging into the road.
  4. Gallows Lane: The water leak at the top of Gallows Lane which has been reported in October and again in April and it still had not been fixed.  Councillor Hodgkinson chased this again and was informed that it was on their programme of works. It was agreed that if nothing was done shortly to chase them again.



  1. KCH 16 Bridleway on Airfield: Mr Hamilton had emailed to say that the gate should be installed shortly.
  2. KCH 20: Mr Hamilton had emailed to say that the signs should be in place shortly.
  3. Obstructions on KCH 32: Alexander George had emailed to say that the path has been cleared. Mrs Moore had been to have a look and was concerned that the area which has been cleared is the diversion which was created by walkers when the line was lost during scrub clearance, rather than the definitive route. The problem with this is that it then makes it difficult to pick up the path at the southern end of the diversion where KCH32 and KCH33 join.  The Council felt that it should be the definite path which is restored rather than a diversion route.  It was agreed to reply Mr George to this effect.
  4. Footpath opposite the Seven Tuns to Church Row: Mr Hamilton had emailed to bring to the Council’s attention that the path required urgent maintenance before someone fell and injured themselves.  It was agreed to ask Highways to resurface the path as soon as possible to prevent an accident.

The Playing Field:

  1. Playing Field Fencing: The wire on the fence adjacent to the play area was still outstanding, the Clerk was asked to chase this up again.
  2. Seat on Playing Field: Mr D Broad and Mr G Broad had moved the seat and were duly thanked by the Chairman.  The refurbishment was in hand.
  3. Clearance of area in front of Valley View: It was agreed to ask Pete Heaps if he would be able to strim this area when he was cutting the grass around the trees and if so how much he would charge to do it.

The Grass Keep Field:

  1. a) Drama Group Storage: A reply had been received Dave Whittles from the Drama Group asking what quotes the Parish Council had received.  It was agreed to reply that two quotes had been received on 15th May. One from Foster Fencing and the other from Vale Stables.  It was agreed to remind him that no progress could be made until the terms have been agreed.

Chapel Graveyard:  No progress had been made on the provision of a mown path.  Mrs Blackwell, from the audience, suggested Ian Hernandez may be able to help, she agreed to provide his contact details.

The Village Hall:

  1. a) Report on the recent Village Hall Committee Meeting: Mr G Broad had provided a written report on the recent Extraordinary Village Hall meeting, which he circulated prior to the meeting. b)   To consider if the Parish Council wishes to meet with Barbara Pond GRCC to discuss the situation regarding trustees:  Barbara Pond had offered to meet with the Parish Council to come to a meeting to help us understand the situation regarding the Parish Council and Village Hall Trustees. It was agreed to invite her before the next meeting on Monday 12th August 7.00pm for a short discussion before the meeting started at 7.30pm.


Pre-school Building:

  1. To consider the request from Friends of Chedworth Pre-school to site a new pre-school building on the Playing Field: Dealt with earlier on the agenda.
  2. To consider the previously-circulated documents “Shortlist of sites for Proposed New Build Chedworth Pre-School” and “Pre-school site considerations”:  Dealt with earlier on the agenda.

The Parish Council Website:  George Broad gave a brief update on the website which was making progress.

Disruption to water supply:

  1. To discuss Thames Water’s response to the recent problems and report any concerns to the company: The Chairman gave a brief update on the recent water outage and the problem with getting bottled water to the Village Hall for distribution.  She had spoken with Thames Water several times and she now had contact details from Clive Poulton of the person dealing with our problems.
  2. To consider asking the Village Hall committee if they would offer an ongoing permission for Thames Water to use the car park as a distribution point for bottled water: Thames Water were unable to leave water in the village until they got approval from a landowner for an acceptable site and Simon Colbeck kindly agreed to make the village hall car park available. It felt it would make sense if the Village Hall Committee felt able to write to Thames Water offering the car park as an ongoing location in case of future problems with the village’s water supply.  It was agreed to write to Simon Colbeck asking if the Village Hall Committee could write a note to that effect which could be forwarded onto Thames.

The Parish Council Laptop Computer:  The Clerk reported that she felt that a suitable replacement could be obtained for around £250.00.  It was proposed from the Chair and seconded by Mr Kingsley to spend up to £300.00, getting the best price available, agreed.

Climate Change:  An email had been received from Matt Fulford asking the Parish Council take action and play their part in solving this crisis.  The Chairman invited Councillor Jenny Forde, to explain the recent decision from CDC to declare a climate emergency.  She said that work was underway at CDC to ensure that the Climate Emergency became part of its policies and this would hopefully filter through to Parish Councils.  After some discussion it was agreed to wait and see what happened when some of the measures from CDC start to filtered through.


  1. D Broad (Web Site Domain & Hosting Costs June & July) £12.00, prop. R Jess, A Kingsley
  2. Philip Dickenson (Tree Stump Removal) (£200.00 + VAT) £240.00
  3. Philip Dickenson (Firming up of Slip Rail Post) (£30.00 + VAT) £36.00 – As both of the above invoices had not yet been received, it was agreed to include on the next agenda for payment. 4.    Cottage Garden Services (Playing Field Cut) (£160.00 + VAT) £192.00 Retrospective, R Jess, sec. G Broad
  4. To note that the quarterly examination of accounts will be undertaken by Councillor Morgan & the Clerk following the meeting.

The Chairman will write an on-line version of Hill and Valley.

Mrs Moore suggested that the playing field booking form be amended to reflect the top gate being the main entrance to the playing field as advised to the Folk Camp.

The Chairman reported that HVLTC had asked for permission, which she had granted, for a vehicle to park on the playing field adjacent to the tennis pavilion for their event on 21st July.

Notification of a planning training event for Councillors had been received from CDC.  The Chairman asked for anyone wishing to attend to let the Clerk know.

The meeting concluded at 9.25pm.

NEXT MEETING:  Parish Council Meeting – Monday 12th August 2019 at 7.30 pm.

Chairman………………………….. Date………………………………….