


PRESENT:  Mrs R Jess (Chairman) Mrs B Amory, Mr D Broad, Mr G Broad, Mr A Kingsley,

Mr A McLellan, Mr I Morgan & Mrs E Broad (Clerk)

County Councillor Paul Hodgkinson


APOLOGIES:  District Councillor Jenny Forde


CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES:    The Minutes of the Parish Council Budget Meeting held on the 25th January 2021 were agreed and signed as a true record.


DECLARATION OF INTERESTS:  The Chairman reminded Councillors of the need to declare interests as necessary.


OPEN SESSION FOR THE PUBLIC:  Councillor Hodgkinson gave a brief report which included the latest Covid numbers in Gloucestershire which were falling, road surface repairs and road markings in Chedworth Laines and the proposed road resurfacing on Withington Hill.  Councillor Jenny Forde sent a written report which was summarised by the Chairman with the full report to be put on the Parish Council website.  Helen Taylor spoke about the proposed Elderberries commemorative seat.  The Chairman asked for this to be included on the next agenda.




20/04532/FUL Armstrong Cottage – Extension

20/00370/TCONR Manor Farm – Tree Works

20/00280/DD Sylvan Place, Fossebridge – Tree Works

20/00160/FUL St Andrew’s School – Solar Panels

20/03970/FUL The Oxbyre – Alterations & Extension – For information only

20/00384/TCONR Ansteys Cottage – Tree Works


Planning Appeal: 20/01678/FUL Primrose Cottage – Garage & Equipment Store – Dismissed  


Land next to Village Hall:  Nothing further had been received.


Neighbourhood Plan:

a) To agree the status of the Steering Group: The Chairman explained why she felt the group would be better being a steering group rather than a more formal sub-committee. This was felt to be the better option and it was proposed from the Chair and seconded by Mr Kingsley that the group would be a steering group, agreed with one abstention.

b) To agree Terms of Reference for the Neighbourhood Plan: The model terms of reference as provided by CDC had been circulated prior to the meeting. Some Councillors were not happy was some of the terms of reference but Mrs Amory pointed out that they can be revised at any time.  After further discussion it was proposed by Mr D Broad and seconded by Mrs Amory to agree the terms of reference, agreed with two against and one abstention.



a) Roadside Verges: Mr Morgan reported that he had talked over taking over responsibility from for cutting all grass verges in the parish with Brian Brazington and the verge group.  After some discussion it was proposed by Mr Morgan and seconded by Mr McLellan to go ahead and take over total responsibility from Gloucestershire County Council for cutting all grass verges in the parish, agreed.

b) 20mph Speed Limits: The Chairman invited Cllr. Hodgkinson to speak and he explained what might be involved with getting speed limits granted.  After some discussion it was agreed to reply to Mr Morrish asking him to copy us in on any updates.

c) GCC Notification of Closure of Withington Hill for Carriageway Resurfacing 15th March to 1st April 2021:



a) Missing signs on parish rights of way: It was agreed to consider this next month.

b) KCH 19: It was reported that the path was now walkable.  Mr Morgan raised the fact that there were no waymarks on the path and asked that this be added to the Chairman’s list.  The Chairman explained that waymarks could not be put on the path unless the landowner agreed.

c) KCH 8: A reply had been received from Mrs Hamilton saying the stile should have been repaired.  Mr Morgan agreed to go and check if it had been done.

d) Footpaths around New Barn Farm: As nothing had been heard from the landowner, it was agreed to send a reminder via the agents.

e) KCH 69: A member of the public has reported that the covering of a well adjacent to the  footpath has rotted leaving it open and dangerous. In view of the urgency the Chairman had contacted Frank Dorrington Ward at GCC PROW and he had taken action to undertake temporary repairs to make the path safe. 

f) KCH 31 Horses Ash Lane: Mr McLellan reported on a mud problem at the Greenhill Farm end. The Chairman stated that this was not unusual as lots of paths were very muddy at this time of year. It was proposed by Mr D Broad and seconded by Mrs Amory to contact the Cotswold Wardens about this, it was lost on the Chairman’s casting vote with four votes against.  It was the proposed from the Chair and seconded by Mr Morgan to leave the path as it is, agreed with four votes in favour.

Playing Field:

a) Grass Maintenance of Fitness Area: An email had been received from HVLTC setting out terms of a more formal agreement.  It was proposed by Mr Kingsley and seconded by Mr D Broad to agree their request to the terms they had outlined, agreed.

The Grass Keep Field:

a) Drama Group Storage: In hand.              

b) Stile in the Grass Keep Field: An estimate for £290 + VAT for replacement stile had been received from Philip   It was proposed by Mrs Amory and seconded by Mr G Broad to accept this estimate and ask him go ahead, agreed.

c) Tree Planting on Diggers Field: Mr McLellan was looking into Crowdfund Cotswold for potential funding.  It was agreed that the best time for planting trees was at the end of the year so there was no immediate urgency and after some discussion it was agreed that Mr McLellan and Mr Kingsley would talk to people to ascertain interest in the planting and maintenance of the trees.

d) Water Leak: An email had been received from Axelle Wall drawing attention to the water leak at the trough which Councillor David Broad has repaired.  Mr Broad was thanked by the Chairman. Further repairs were also required which Councillor Broad had agreed to carry out.

Chedworth Village Hall:

a) Village Hall Land Ownership: It had come to light since the last Parish Council meeting that the Parish Council may have an interest in the land but Councillors were unclear what this amounted to.  It was proposed by Mrs Amory and seconded by Mr D Broad to write to the Village Hall Committee and correct the information provided following the previous meeting, agreed with one against.


Storage of Parish Council Documents:  Mrs Amory had provided details of a firm off the internet, it was agreed to leave it at present and look for something more local.


Rendcomb Airfield Noise: Mrs Amory reported that she had asked a question at CDC and she understood there was to be a confidential planning meeting to talk about the enforcement action.


Crowdfund Cotswold:  Mr McLellan and Mr Kingsley had signed up for the on-line launch event.


LGA Model Code of Conduct for Councils:

a) To consider if the Parish Council wishes to adopt the new code of conduct in place of the existing code:  It was felt to be a good idea to have the same code of conduct as CDC.  It was proposed from the Chair and seconded by Mr Kingsley to adopt the new code of conduct, agreed. It was agreed to display the new code of conduct on the website.

b) To consider if the Council wishes to make any comments on the draft arrangements: There were no comments.


Noticeboards:  An email had been received concerning the condition of the noticeboard at the entrance to the Village Hall.  After some discussion Mr David Broad agreed to ease the doors when the weather improved and Mrs Amory agreed to paint the noticeboard.




Clerks Quarterly Telephone/Broadband Contribution £82.50, prop. A Kingsley, sec. I Morgan

 Brian Brazington (Verge Cutting) (£1,415 + VAT) £1,698, prop. I Morgan, sec. R Jess

 D Broad (Padlocks for Slip Rails & Plumbing Equipment) £9.00, prop. R Jess, sec. I Morgan

Viking (Ink & Stamps) (£39.39 + VAT) £45.68, prop. R Jess, sec. G Broad

Appointment of Independent Internal Auditor 2020/21 Audit: It was proposed from the Chair and seconded by Mr McLellan to appoint Mr Selkirk as our independent internal auditor for the 2020/21 audit, agreed.  The fee would be £105.00.




2021 Meeting Dates:  It was agreed to postpone the date of the Annual Parish Meeting date Monday 24th May 2021 in the hope that a more normal face to face meeting might be able to be held.


To consider items for inclusion in the March edition of Hill and Valley:  Several items were agreed to be included in the March edition which would be written by the Chairman.


The meeting concluded at 9.12pm.


NEXT MEETING:  Monday 8th March 2021 at 7.30pm.