


PRESENT:  Mrs R Jess (Chairman), Mr D Broad, Mr G Broad, Mr A Kingsley, Mr A McLellan,

Mrs S Moore, Mr I Morgan and Mrs E Broad (Clerk)

County Councillor Paul Hodgkinson


CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES:      Parish Council Meeting 11th November 2019 were agreed and signed as a true record


DECLARATION OF INTERESTS:  The Chairman to remind Councillors of the need to declare interests as necessary.


OPEN SESSION FOR THE PUBLIC:  Councillor Hodgkinson updated the Council regarding flooding near the Rendcomb junction on the Whiteway.  A resident had made a formal complaint and now remedial works were going to be done.  Several residents of Rookery Lane were concerned about the proposed temporary access to Pippins.




19/03213/FUL Pippins – Temporary Access – Objection – The Parish Council had been made aware of serious concerns about the safety of the proposals for a temporary access at the Pippins. Councillors were told by residents that they did not believe that it would be possible to achieve an acceptable gradient from the highway to the parking area and urged planners to thoroughly investigate before allowing the proposal. Councillors were advised by Martin Harrison, a chartered civil engineer, that the average gradient of the proposed road would be 1:2 and if this was accurate then they agreed it seemed unlikely that the road would be usable. There were also concerns that the village road outside the property was subsiding and unstable and the proposed access would only make matters worse. The speed limit of the road onto which the access was proposed is 60mph and the council was also concerned that the necessary visibility splays could not be achieved. Councillors were also concerned about the difficulties which the developer would face when attempting to reinstate the land once the access was no longer required.

19/03157/FUL Pippins – Variation of Condition 2 & Alterations – No objection

19/03776/FUL Box Tree Cottage – Retaining Wall – No objection

19/03777/FUL Box Tree Cottage – Listed Building Consent – No objection

19/04225/FUL Barn at Hills Farm – Stables & Alterations – No objection although it was agreed to point out that in the Design and Access Statement the polytunnel was described as having green netting interior and this description did appear on drawing. This netting should help to tone down the appearance of the tunnel and the council agreed to urge the planning authority to make it a condition of the approval. It was also agreed to ask for appropriate screening to be put in place to lessen the impact on the Conservation Area.

19/04313/TCONR Hartshill – Tree Works

19/04150/FUL Wheelwrights Barn – Extension & Conversion – No objection




Traffic in Village and Road Matters:                               


a) Traffic Speed on Fields Road: Mr McLellan reported there was nothing further regarding the speed checks but he had attended the recent meeting in Northleach, which he had circulated an email about, and there were various speed recording devises available.  Councillor Hodgkinson spoke about the Automatic Number Plate Recognition device which was in use at Bourton on the Water, it cost around £12,000.  Mr McLellan stated that he understood that there were devices available reasonably cheaply and he was asked to obtain more details.

b) Roadside Vegetation: Mr Morgan had circulated an email asking for approval for a day’s work for Brian Brazington to clear overhanging vegetation in areas around the village. It was proposed from the Chair and seconded by Mr Broad to go ahead with this, agreed.

c) Hedges on roadside in Middle Chedworth: An email had been received regarding the hedges growing out into the road at Old well Cottage and The Crofts.  As this issue had been raised before, it was agreed to refer this again to GCC Highways

d) The lower part of Cooks Hill: A further email had been received from Mr Edelsten regarding subsidence where the road surface has deteriorated causing vehicles to ground.  As this issue had been raised before, it was agreed to refer this again to GCC Highways.

e) Water leak/spring at top of Gallows Lane: This issue had been raised by Mr Selway.  When Councillors met with Danny Taylor on site recently, he was taken to see the problem. He agreed to contact Thames Water to find out if the leak was from a spring or from a broken pipe, as the problem continued it was agreed to contact him to see if he had received a reply as at this time of year there was a serious danger of the water freezing.

f) Grit bin on Green Lane: Danny Taylor had offered a spare bin from highways but when David Broad had gone to collect it the bin was a large yellow one which he could not transport and was unsuitable. It was proposed by Mr D Broad and seconded by Mr McLellan to purchase an additional bin like the others we have in the village, agreed.  The bin would have to be sited and filled and added to the map to ensure it was filled by highways in future years. Mr McLellan said he was sure that a resident of Green Lane would be willing to do this.

g) Missing, Fallen and Illegible Road Signs:  Mr D Broad was concerned that a number of road signs on the A429 in the vicinity of Chedworth were missing, fallen or illegible.  It was agreed to make a list and pass it onto highways.




a) Footpath KCH 22 opposite the Seven Tuns to Church Row:  Councillors had met with Danny Taylor GCC Highways on site and he had no objection to the path being tarmacked as previously.

Mr Kingsley had sent the specification to Frank Dorrington Ward at GCC PROW and he had no objection to the works being carried out to that specification and he confirmed that GCC would take responsibility for the path in future. The working was likely to cost in the region of £1,800.  It was proposed from the Chair and seconded by Mr G Broad, to go ahead and get the work done as soon as possible, agreed with one abstention.


The Playing Field:

a) Clearance of area in front of Valley View: It was noted that the fence has been installed and it was agreed to consider getting the area cleared in the spring.


The Grass Keep Field:

a) Drama Group Storage: Mr David Broad had drawn up plans and the application was almost ready to be submitted.  It was agreed to press on with this.


Chapel Graveyard:

a) Path: It was noted that Bibury would create a safe, level path in the Spring.





b) Fallen wall in Graveyard: An email had been received from Julia Delamain, Silver Spring House, informing the Council that an area of wall between her property and the Graveyard had fallen down. It was agreed to obtain quotes for the next meeting.


The Village Hall

a) The Projection Equipment: It was noted that the first tranche of the purchase of the projector equipment was in progress although it had not yet been ordered by the Parish Council.  It was agreed to write to the Village Hall reminding them yet again of the need for the Parish Council to place the order.

b) To receive a report from the working group on the recent meeting: Mr Kingsley gave a brief report on the recent meeting, another meeting was due to be held shortly.  It was felt that if the Village Hall would like the Parish Council to include further money in the budget for next year, they should come along and present their request at the budget meeting and it should not be done by the working group.


Pre-school Building:  An email had been received from Mr Musgrave on behalf of the Pre-school New Build Volunteer support group.  This stated that as the Pre-school Management Committee it was seeking to establish closer links with St. Andrews Primary School, including the option of constructing a new Pre-School within the Primary School location, all members of the Support Group had decided to resign from this initiative.  It was agreed to remove this item from the agenda until such time as anything further was heard from the Pre-school Management Committee.


The Emergency Plan:  Mr McLellan was making progress with updating the plan.  The Chairman reported that she had spoken to Matt Fulford and he was willing to assist with the Snow Warden role.  It was agreed that a short version of the plan should be included on the website as soon as possible.  The Chairman thanked Mr McLellan. 


The Parish Council Website:  George Broad had included all the Councillors interest forms on the website as required also meeting dates and other information.


Seven Tuns Defibrillator:  It was noted that Mr Morgan would now be undertaking the checks.


Request to Support Local Electricity Bill:  The Chairman had spoken with Matt Fulford regarding this and he did not think it was relevant to Chedworth.




Clerks Quarterly Salary £647.00, prop. S Moore, sec. A McLellan

Clerks Quarterly Mileage £17.10, prop. R Jess, sec. S Moore

P A Dickenson (wire on fence adjacent to Play Area) (£100.00 + VAT) £120.00, prop. R Jess, sec. D Broad

P A Dickenson (fence opposite Valley View) (£650.00 + VAT) £780.00, prop. D Broad, sec. A Kingsley

SLCC Membership £78.00, prop. R Jess, sec. A Kingsley

Bibury (Cutting of Graveyard & Tuns Hill) (£521.75 + VAT) £626.10 Retrospective, prop. R Jess, sec. I Morgan

Council in receipt of £1,000 site rental from Vodaphone

Council in receipt of £287.50 half year Grass Keep Rental from Mr Baker





2020/21 Precept to be returned to CDC by 31st January 2020 – It was agreed to hold a separate budget meeting to set the precept on Monday 27th January 2020.




2020 Meeting Dates:  Noted.


It was agreed that the Chairman would do an on-line edition as there was no Hill and Valley in January.  This would include information about the emergency plan which could also go on Facebook and Nextdoor.  It would also ask that any group that wished to apply for funding should get in their request, with as much information as possible, before our normal meeting on 13th January.


Mrs Moore asked that the Parish Council put out a statement on behalf of the Pre-school New Build Volunteer support group explaining that they had stepped down.  It was not felt appropriate for the Parish Council to do this.


The meeting concluded at 9.10pm.


NEXT MEETING:  Monday 13th January 2020 at 7.30pm.



