


PRESENT:  Mrs R Jess (Chairman), Mr D Broad, Mr G Broad, Mr A Kingsley, Mr A McLellan,

Mr I Morgan and Mrs E Broad (Clerk)

County Councillor Paul Hodgkinson & District Councillor Jenny Forde


CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES:      Parish Council Meeting 10th February 2020 were agreed and

signed as a true record.


DECLARATION OF INTERESTS:  The Chairman to remind Councillors of the need to declare interests as necessary.


VACANCY ON CHEDWORTH PARISH COUNCIL:  No one has come forward to fill the vacancy. 


OPEN SESSION FOR THE PUBLIC:  Mr Peirce spoke about the request from the Village Hall Committee for the Parish Council to organise and fund repairs to the Village Hall car park and answered some questions from Councillors.  Cllr. Paul Hodgkinson spoke about the GCC budget with a 3.99% increase in Council Tax, he also spoke about measures being taken by GCC to combat the Coronavirus.  Cllr Jenny Forde spoke about the CDC budget, the new waste service due to start on 18th March, car parks in Cirencester and fly tipping.


It was agreed to bring the Village Hall items forward on the agenda.


The Village Hall

a) To consider the request from John Selway for the Parish Council to organise and fund some repairs to the Village Hall Car Park: Discussion ensued, the Chairman briefly left the meeting, the Vice Chairman, David Broad, took the Chair while the Chairman was absent from the meeting. After some discussion it was proposed by Mr Morgan and seconded from the Chair  that the Parish Council would be prepared to provide funds for the work out of the £6,000 which has been included in next year’s budget for the Village Hall, agreed.  It was further agreed to clarify with GAPTC which Local Government Act we would be providing any grant, this is obviously important because of restrictions on Section 137 payments.

b) To note that the order had been placed with Martin Spooner for the Audio Visual Equipment:

c) The purchase of Satellite Equipment for Village Hall: A subsequent email had been received from John Selway asking the Parish Council not to place the order for the satellite equipment and that the Village Hall intended to purchase this now.  Mr Morgan clarified that they did this so that the rest of the Parish Council grant could be used to purchase a new projector.       


To consider request from Cllr. Jenny Forde to include a regular slot on the PC agenda for Councillors to give an update:  It was agreed that there was no need for a separate agenda item and that any update from County and District Councillors could be given in the public section at the beginning of the agenda.




20/00508/FUL Land North of The Old Farm – Dwelling & Additional Information – No objection but it was agreed to point out the difficult and narrow access onto Hawkes Lane and urge planners to impose conditions on any contractor regarding use of large vehicles etc.

20/00703/FUL Pinkwell Farm Cottage – Extension – & Additional Information – No objection

20/00772/TCONR Chedworth House – Tree Works




Licensing Application C/20/00173/STC – Village Hall Car Park – Fish & Chip Van – No Objection




Traffic in Village and Road Matters:                              


a) Roadside Verges: Mr Morgan would present a proposal on a Spring cut of the roadside verges at the April meeting.

b) The Lower part of Cooks Hill: This had been repaired and was felt to be a good job.

c) Water leak/spring at top of Gallows Lane: Nothing further

d) Airfield Bend: During the recent wet weather the Chairman reported serious flooding on the bend and highways staff attended and erected ‘Road Impassable’ signs because the situation was so dangerous. A villager attended and dug out the drain which temporarily resolved the issue but reported that it required more serious attention by highways who need to jet out the pipe which goes under the road to prevent further flooding.  It was agreed to ask highways to do this on a regular basis to keep the pipe clear.



a) Horses Ash Lane Blocked by Fallen Trees: It was noted that the land had been cleared by a member of the public.


Playing Field:

a) To consider request from KTA for use of Playing Field for Camping from 23rd to 26th July: It was proposed from the Chair and seconded by Mr G Broad to allow this for £240.00 with the usual  stipulations that any camping is restricted to the perimeter of the field to prevent damage to the playing area and that vehicles are left in the Village Hall car park or the Parish Council’s field at the far end from the Village Hall.

b) Request from Horticultural Society for use of Playing Field for Show on 22nd August: It was agreed to allow this with the usual stipulations regarding vehicles on the field and to waive the fee.

c) Request from HVLTC for use of Playing Field for Tennis Event on 25th April: It was agreed to allow this and waive the fee, but request that as few vehicles as possible should drive onto the field and they should keep off the playing area.  It was also agreed to pass on details on how to obtain a Temporary Event Licence from CDC.

d) To agree to request to Annual Inspection of the Exercise Equipment as offered by John Hicks: It was agreed to request this be done.

e) Dog Fouling on the Playing Field: Reports of further dog fouling on the Playing Field have been received.  It was agreed to step up the campaign to ensure dog owners pick up after their dogs and review again at the next meeting.


The Grass Keep Field:

a) Drama Group Storage: The planning application had been submitted by the Chairman and she was duly thanked by Councillors for her work on this.

b) Grass Keep Tenancy:  The current tenancy agreement expires on 30th April 2020.  It was agreed to enquire if Mr and Mrs Baker wish to renew the tenancy for a further year for the same rent of £575 per annum.


Chapel Graveyard:

a) Fallen wall in Graveyard:  It was noted that Andy Chapel intended to carry out the works


b) Path around the Graveyard:  The Chairman had met with Bibury at the graveyard when they had undertaken works to make a path as agreed.  She reported that as they had been engaged to cut the churchyard fortnightly, they were now able to keep the path cut during the summer.  She had also spoken to Nick Price from Bibury and he had agreed to send a quote for cutting the path regularly.  As this had not been received, the Clerk was asked to chase it up.


The Emergency Plan:  The Chairman was to look over the full plan.  Mr G Broad was asked to put the amended list of wardens on the website.  Mr Ian Morgan had agreed to become assistant Snow Warden and was duly thanked.


The Lower End Noticeboard:  The Chairman had emailed Adrian Fletcher for advice but had not yet received a reply.  It was felt more sensible to look at refurbishing the back when it had dried out.  It was agreed to keep on the agenda.




Clerks Quarterly Salary £647.00, prop. A Kingsley, sec. A McLellan

Clerks Quarterly Mileage £10.80, prop. A McLellan, sec. A Kingsley

Martin Spooner (Screen for Village Hall) £2089.92, prop. R Jess, sec. D Broad

Brian Brazington (Roadside Vegetation) (£440.00 + VAT) £528.00, prop. I Morgan, sec. G Broad

Ros Jess (Maps for Planning Application) £31.20, prop. D Broad, sec. I Morgan

Ros Jess (Planning Application Fee) £256.00, prop. A Kingsley, sec. A McLellan

E Broad (100gm Copier Paper for Minutes) £3.87, prop. R Jess, sec. A McLellan

GAPTC Subscription 2020/21 £208.83, prop. R Jess, sec. I Morgan

Council in receipt of £100.00 Playing Field Rental from Cirencester Athletics Club for Roman Run 6th April

To note that the Quarterly Financial Review by Cllr. Morgan & the Clerk had been undertaken following the February meeting




Hill and Valley News:  Several items were agreed for inclusion in the April edition which would be written by the Chairman.


 Annual Parish Meeting:   Monday 16th March at 7.30pm.


The meeting concluded at 8.52pm.


NEXT MEETING:  Monday 6th April 2020 at 7.30pm.