NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN “VIRTUAL MEETING” –  19th May 2021 – 7.00 pm.


PRESENT:  Mrs B  Heathcoat-Amory (B H-A), Mrs S Moore (SM), Mr M Harrison (MH), Mr R Young (RY), Ms S Williams (SW), Mr D Musgrave (DM), Mrs J Harrison (for part of the meeting).


APOLOGIES:  Mr D Broad, Mr J Sleightholme (JS), Mrs J Todd, Mr I Robertson (IR),



B HA confirmed she had booked the Village Hall for the next meeting on 21st June 21.  B HA thanked JS for preparing the budget and notifying BHA that the applications to Locality had opened.  B H-A applied for £8100.70 of funding based on JS’s budget.  IR had looked into costs of survey monkey and other online survey providers and printing costs for flyer.



MH had emailed AECOM about the steering committee’s preference for a village “walk around” rather than a zoom meeting.  Ben from AECOM confirmed that he had transferred the file to Kathryn Whitmore from the Oxford office.  Kathryn  W will organise a walk around with BH-A.  BH-A stated that she would find out availability and timings and would notify the steering committee.  BH-A thought it would be good if at least 3 to 4 of the steering committee were on the walk.  BH-A thought the walk around could take 2-3 hours, at least.



BH-A stated she had shared the questionnaire with the Parish Council, the PC asked for a question regarding the community orchard.  BHA shared her screen with the Steering Committee and they went through various questions.  SM asked questions to be amended so that the grammar was correct.  DM and SW agreed. SW mentioned that CDC might not actually own the council housing stock and the landlord for council housing would be alternative providers.  BH-A will check this fact.


BH-A stated that IR had confirmed the flyer could go in the Hill and Valley distribution network for the areas of the Parish, provided we get everything done before late May.  BHA stated that she would draft a version of the flyer for this Friday for people to look at over the weekend for it to go to press next Monday –  to meet the distribution deadline.


Everyone agreed that subject to minor changes the Questionnaire was in an agreed format.

B H-A stated that we needed to join Survey Monkey and put the Questionnaire online.



BHA stated that this was a really important document and that would need to be the focus after the questionnaire was distributed.  BHA stated that she would send around the link and review the document and SM suggested that it was divided up for people to have a go at filling it in.  IR kindly had put the document onto google documents.



B H-A confirmed that she had applied for £8100.70 from Locality.  B H-A stated that she had received a call from Julia Blest at Locality querying the amount spent on printing.  BH-A stated that she sent an email to Julia Blest to explain the cost and that this had been forwarded into basecamp. Julia Blest stated that she would not fund a clerk but that otherwise subject to the email from BH-A regarding printing she would put us forward for the grant.  The grant committee would have met today and we will hear whether we got the grant early next week.  Any grant monies received need to be spent by the end of March 2022.


BH-A stated that the grant from Locality is not retrospective.  Any sums spent before we get the grant will not be reimbursed.  She stated that the PC had therefore kindly paid £20, to book the village hall for June, and £64, for Survey Monkey for two months of running the questionnaire.




RY mentioned that self-build plots was an issue we should consider.  In the UK, 3% of plots are self-build and in Europe it was 50%.  RY explained that he was involved in a development project of 10 self-build units which allowed one village to keep its local school going.  BH-A wondered whether we should include self-build as an option in the Housing question of the questionnaire.  The Steering Committee thought it should.


BH-A mentioned that the PC had kindly agreed to fund a clerk for the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Committee. BH-A needed to confirm the sum.  BH-A asked the Steering Committee to see if they could advertise the role: minute writing, drafting agendas and booking the village hall etc.



Monday 21st June 2021 at 7.00pm in Chedworth Village Hall