




VISIT FROM BARBARA POND GRCC:  The Chairman welcomed Barbara Pond and thanked her for coming to speak to the Council.  A list of questions had been sent to her prior to the meeting and Barbara answered some of the queries raised. (Notes are attached which do not form part of the minutes)


PRESENT:  Mrs R Jess (Chairman), Mr D Broad, Mr G Broad, Mr A Kingsley, Mr A McLellan,

Mrs S Moore, Mr I Morgan and Mrs E Broad (Clerk)

County Councillor Paul Hodgkinson


APOLOGIES:  Were received from District Councillor Jenny Forde


CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES:      Parish Council Meeting 8th July 2019 were agreed and signed as a true record.


DECLARATION OF INTERESTS:  The Chairman reminded Councillors of the need to declare interests as necessary.


OPEN SESSION FOR THE PUBLIC:  Councillor Hodgkinson updated the Council on the recent resurfacing on the A429 at Fossebridge Hill and an issue which had arisen with the lane turning into the Yanworth Road, this was currently being looked at by Highways.  Mr Harrison spoke about the Chedworth Society objection to he planning application at Blakemoor Cottage.  He also raised concerns about numbers at pre-school with regard to the new stand alone building.  Sarah Smith from pre-school reported that numbers were looking promising for the future.  Mr Musgrave was also concerned about numbers at pre-school as raised by Mr Harrison.




19/01241/FUL Box Tree Cottage – Electric Car Charging Point – Comments submitted

19/02547/TCONR Cromwell House – Tree Works

19/02523/TCONR Corner Cottage – Tree Works

19/02633/FUL Blakemoor Cottage – Alterations – It was proposed by Mr D Broad and seconded by Mr McLellan to object to the application for the new extension to create a larger kitchen, family room and balcony, as it considered that the glass ‘box’ was out of keeping with the area and unacceptable in the Conservation Area and AONB.  Also concerns were raised about potential light pollution from the extension. It was also agreed to support the comments on the application made by SPAB, agreed with one against.

19/02634/LBC Blakemoor Cottage – Listed Building Consent – Object as above.




Traffic in Village and Road Matters:                               


a) Traffic Speed on Fields Road:

a) To consider the speed data from the borrowed speed sign on Fields Road:  The Chairmanreported that the VAS speed sign borrowed from Shipton Parish Council was set at a speed limit of 25mph so the council was not able to use the display but did use it to record speeds.           






Of the 5,510 vehicles which passed the equipment the average speed was 33mph. It was felt that this figure was low because the equipment recorded passing cyclists as well as other vehicles. The number doing over 40mph was 1,409, over 50mph – 89, over 60mph – 5, top speed recorded was 70mph.  It was agreed to pass these figures on to the police and ask for any help the police could give in making the road safer by slowing traffic.

b) To receive an update on setting up a new Speed Watch group:  Although an acknowledgement had been received saying that training would be arranged, nothing further had been heard.  It was agreed to chase this up when sending the speed information.

b) Cutting of Verges: A report was received from Mr Morgan on the recent Verge Group meeting.

It was proposed by Mr Morgan and seconded by Mrs Moore to ask Brian Brazington to cut and clear the roadside verges to conservation standard at a cost of £1,600, agreed.  Mr Morgan asked that consideration be given to including and extra £1,600 in the budget for next year for cutting the verges in May as well as later in the year.  This was proposed by Mr Morgan and seconded by Mr D Broad, agreed.  Mr Morgan also raised the matter of nettles on the roadside verge opposite the Plantation on Fields Road which he suggested that should be sprayed with a selective weedkiller.  It was proposed by Mr D Broad and seconded by Mr G Broad to allow up to £50.00 to be spent in doing this, agreed.  Mr Morgan asked for Council’s approval to undertake the side arm work with Brian Brazington which Matt Fulford had done previously, agreed.  Mr Morgan was asked to produce a map of the areas that needing attention.  The Chairman asked that some roadside strimming be done in some areas in the village including opposite Cromwell House.  It was proposed from the Chair and seconded by Mr D Broad to spend up to £250.00 and ask Bibury to cut as many of the areas as possible, agreed.

c) To receive any update on the blocked drain on the airfield: A reply had been received that this had been passed onto the local highway representative.

d) Overhanging Vegetation: The area below the vicarage had been cut back.  Mr D Broad asked that a low tree by the pumping station in Middle Chedworth be reported to highways, this was agreed.

e) Gallows Lane: The pipe had been repaired.

f) Hawks Lane: An email had been received from Mrs Scott Smith regarding the overgrown verges in Hawks Lane.  It was agreed to include this in the verge works by Bibury.

g) Road Sweeping: An email had been received from Mr Hamilton asking the Parish Council to make a complaint that the road sweeper was around at 7.00am.  It was agreed not to take any action.

h) Chedworth Road, Withington: The Chairman was concerned that GCC that the postponed works on Withington Hill had still not been done.  Councillor Hodgkinson reported that the works would be done separately in this financial year.  It was agreed to write to GCC Highways urging them to programme the work to be carried out as soon as possible.


a) KCH 16 Bridleway on Airfield: Mr Hamilton had emailed to say that the gate had not yet been received from the supplier.

b) KCH 20: Mr Hamilton had emailed to say the signage was in hand.

c) Obstructions on KCH 32: Mrs Moore reported that the definitive path had been cleared.  It was agreed to write and thank Mr George at Stowell Park Estate.

d) Footpath opposite the Seven Tuns to Church Row: The complaint had been passed onto GCC PROW for investigation and had been given a reference number.  It was agreed to consider again next month if nothing had been done.

e) KCH 36 at Fossebridge:  This path had been closed for sometime.  It was agreed to report this to GCC PROW.





f) To consider if the Parish Council needed to take any action to clear Horses Ash Lane & any

other overgrown Public Rights of Way:  The Chairman had received a phone call complaining about the overgrown condition of Horses Ash Lane.  She had been to have a look and circulated some pictures.  It was felt that no further action was required.


The Playing Field:

a) Playing Field Fencing:  as nothing further had been on the provision of wire on the fence

adjacent to the play area, the Clerk was asked to chase this up again.

b) Seat on Playing Field: The painting of the seat was in hand.

c) Clearance of area in front of Valley View: As nothing had been heard from Pete Heaps, it was agreed to chase this up again.

d) To consider the booking of the Playing Field & Parking for Roman Run on 5th April 2020: It was proposed by Mrs Moore and seconded by Mr Kingsley to allow them to use the playing field for the event but restrict parking to the Diggers Field for a total fee of £100.00, agreed.

e) To consider a reply to Folk Camp requesting that the Village Hall Car Park be the main access to the Playing Field and note the receipt of £30.00 goodwill gesture for damage to the post: It was agreed to reply that the Council would consider the request if another Folk Camp was booked.

The Chairman brought item 85.7 (a) forward on the agenda at this point.

Pre-school Building:

a) To consider any update on the request to site a new pre-school building on the Playing Field:

Mrs Moore gave a brief update on the meeting of the Friends of Pre-school Group.  The site adjacent to the road was being looked at and they were awaiting designs and quotes.  Mrs Moore reported that a proper committee, with officers, had been set up to oversee this project. The chairman was Mrs Sarah Wembridge and the vice-chairman was Mrs Sarah Smith.


The Grass Keep Field:

a) Drama Group Storage: As the situation seemed quite chaotic and little progress was being made, Mr Kingsley offered to speak to Dave Whittles and try to get it back on track again.  The Clerk was asked to send Mr Kingsley the quotes received so far.


Chapel Graveyard:  As no progress had been made getting someone to mow the path, the Chairman asked for the graveyard to be included on the next agenda and asked Councillors to go and look at the graveyard before the next meeting.


The Village Hall:  

a) To consider if any action should be taken following the meeting with Barbara Pond GRCC earlier to discuss the situation regarding trustees: Nothing further was raised.

b) Report on the recent Village Hall meeting in preparation for financial applications from the Village Hall at the September Parish Council meeting: Mr G Broad had circulated an email following the recent Village Hall committee meeting explaining that the Village Hall committee was intending to submit financial applications to the September meeting.  It was felt that the applications must comply with the Parish Councils financial guidelines so that all applicants were treated equally. 


The Emergency Plan:  The 2018 Emergency Plan had been saved in draft format and needed overhauling and updating.  Mr Morgan reported that the Parish Council’s emergency boards were still with Iain Robertson.  It was agreed to include this on the next agenda.






The Parish Council Website:  Mr G Broad was making progress uploading information to the website.


Disruption to water supply:
a)   To receive any update on the recent problems with disruption of the water supply:  Nothing further.

b) To consider Thames Water’s suggestion to encourage vulnerable customers to sign up to the Priority Services Register: It was agreed to publicise this in the Hill and Valley.



a) To consider the monthly checking of the Seven Tuns defibrillator:  As the on-line recording of the checking of this defibrillator was not always up-to-date, Mr Morgan agreed to speak to Paul Sibbald to establish if he wished to continue the checking and on-line recording of this defibrillator.




Clerks Quarterly Phone/Broadband Contribution £76.80, prop. S Moore, sec. A Kingsley

D Broad (Laptop Computer bought for the Parish Council) £215.00, prop. R Jess, sec. S Moore

Viking (Ink) (£33.96 + VAT) £41.93, prop. A Kingsley, sec. S Moore

Castle Water £31.38 prop. R Jess, sec. A McLellen

Community Heartbeat Trust (Battery VH Defibrillator) (£225.00 + VAT & Delivery) £282.00 prop. R Jess, sec. I Morgan

Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust Subscription £25.00 – It was agreed not to subscribe this year

P A Dickenson (tree stump removal & slip rail repair) (£230.00 + VAT) £276.00, prop. G Broad sec. S Moore

Cotswold District Council (Green Bin Licence) £15.00 Retrospective, prop. A Kingsley, sec. A McLellan

Council in receipt of £4.84 part Grass Keep water reimbursement from HVLTC

Council in receipt of £26.54 part Grass Keep water reimbursement from Mr Baker

Council in receipt of £200.00 Annual Ground Rent from HVLTC

Council in receipt of £25.00 Hire of Diggers Field for Parking for Cotswold Wardens Conference on 11th October – It was agreed to make sure the grass was cut for this event

Council in receipt of £30.00 Goodwill Gesture for damage to the post from Folk Camps

The quarterly examination of the accounts was undertaken following the last meeting by Mr Morgan and the Clerk




Hill and Valley News:  Several items were identified for the September edition which would be written by the Chairman.


The meeting concluded at 9.31pm.


NEXT MEETING:  Monday 16th September at 7.30pm.



