


PRESENT:  Mrs R Jess (Chairman), Mr D Broad, Mr G Broad, Mr A Kingsley, Mr A McLellan,

Mr I Morgan and Mrs E Broad (Clerk)

County Councillor Paul Hodgkinson

District Councillor Jenny Forde


CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES:      The minutes from the Parish Council Virtual Meeting held on the 14th September 2020 were agreed as a true record.


DECLARATION OF INTERESTS:  The Chairman to remind Councillors of the need to declare interests as necessary.


OPEN SESSION FOR THE PUBLIC:  Councillor Hodgkinson updated the Council on the current Covid situation in Gloucestershire.  He also reported that Fossecross tip was due to close for 6 weeks from 2nd November, which he opposes, and will keep the Council updated.  He spoke about the closure of the A429 to enable the felling of trees affected by Ash Dieback.  He spoke about the flooding on Chedworth Airfield and agreed to report it to GCC Highways asking for the drain to be regularly jetted out.  The Chairman thanked Councillor Hodgkinson and he left the meeting.  Councillor Jenny Forde gave a brief update from CDC including how the pandemic is affecting the budge it 2021, the recent Climate Action Conference and CDC’s response to the recent Government White Paper on the planning system and housing numbers. She also reported that CDC were unable to lend out the litter picking kit this year but would provide labels to put on bags and arrange collection.  The Chairman thanked Councillor Forde.  Mr Pierce spoke about the welcome sign at the Village Hall and explained the recent planning application.


The Chairman brought the following items forward on the agenda.


20/02868/ADV Village Hall – Advertising Consent for Welcome Sign – After some discussion it was proposed from the Chair and seconded by Mr Morgan to make no comment on this application, agreed with three in favour.


Village Hall Land Registration:  An email had been received from Simon Colbeck requesting clarification of land ownership.  After some discussion it was agreed to reply confirming that the Parish Council holds the title deeds for the land on which the Village Hall stands which show that the Parish Council purchased the land. Following this transaction the land has not been transferred to another party and therefore it is the understanding of the Councillors that the Parish Council owns the land.  It was also agreed to ask the Village Hall to explain their reasons for requesting confirmation of ownership.


Grass Keep Licence:  An email had been received from Mr and Mrs Baker informing the Council that they do not wish to continue with their tenancy of the grass keep.  After some discussion it was agreed to release Mr and Mrs Baker from the tenancy as they have been good tenants for many years, and to advertise the licence, for the remaining time to April 2021, on social media for the rent that Mr and Mrs Baker would pay and decide further on a tenant at the next meeting.   




20/02868/ADV Village Hall – Advertising Consent for Welcome Sign – Dealt with earlier on the agenda.

20/02891/FUL Field Cottage – Alterations to garage to form ancillary accommodation

 – No objection

20/03268/FUL Lawrence Cottage – Extension & Conversion – No objection but urge planners to consider insisting on natural stone slates rather than reconstituted artificial tiles because of the sensitive location of the property.


Planning Appeal: – APP/F1610/W/20/3257387 Fair Haven, Fields Road – Construction of up to 5 Dwellings – The Parish Council’s original objections would be automatically sent to the inspector.


Land next to Village Hall:  An email reply had been received from Centaur Homes asking if it  would it be possible to arrange a zoom meeting with the Parish Councillors either before a meeting, or a special meeting to discuss before circulating the proposals around the village.  After some discussion it was agreed to reply that the Council is not permitted to hold meetings which are not open to the public and press and the idea of a zoom meeting with Councillors either before the Parish Council meeting or on a separate occasion is not possible.  Councillors were very keen to be involved in the development of planning proposals for this site but have no mandate from the village to put forward any suggestions of what would be acceptable – especially given that the Parish Council, and many villagers, opposed the PiP application and do not wish to see the site developed at all.  Councillors felt that they would only be able to give feedback once they had seen the preliminary proposals and suggested that they first need to make their preliminary plans public in some way.


Neighbourhood Plan:  The Chairman reported that there were the only three people who had come forward and in order to prepare a plan we have been told that a team of between 12 and 15 willing volunteers, as well as a very keen leader, is essential.  It was agreed to reply to the three volunteers asking them if they were aware of anyone else who might be interested but did not come forward and suggest they might like to encourage them to step up, but unless we hear from many more villagers the idea will once again have to be shelved.




Traffic in Village and Road Matters:                              


a) Roadside Verges:

i) To receive any update on the cutting of the roadside verges:  Mr Morgan reported that the cut and collect had been done by Brian Brazington.    He also reported that the verge group wished to scatter some wild flower seeds on the verges and felt that the village clean up would be opportunity to do this.  He also spoke about a early spring cut to the verges next year.  The Chairman asked that the piles of grass were placed in safe positions next time.

ii) To receive any update on taking over the cutting of the roadside verges including the insurance aspect: Mr Morgan was trying to speak to Shaun Morris, GCC Highways, regarding the areas of the parish to be taken over for cutting next year. The insurance company had replied that they did not wish to see copy of the contractors public liability certificate as long as we have a copy.  The rest of the work would be covered by our existing policy.

b) Roadside Verge adjacent to Primrose Cottage: An email received had been received but Highways intended to take action, it was agreed not to get involved.

c) TTRO 2115 A429 Cirencester to Northleach: Notification had been received from GCC of Temporary Road Closure to enable the felling of trees affected by Ash Dieback.

d) Trees on Fields Road:  An email had been received from Martin Hughes regarding trees suffering from Ash Dieback.  The Chairman reported that this was in hand with GCC Highways.

e) Airfield Bend Drain:  An email had been received from Matt Fulford.  It was agreed to write to GCC Highways backing up Councillor Hodgkinson’s complaint and asking that the pipe is jetted as soon as possible and then add it to a six monthly programme.



a) KCH 64: Frank Dorrington Ward, GCC PROW, had replied stating that they can process this as a formal diversion order; however, they currently have a backlog of diversions and it is currently taking around 18 months to process an order, if they don’t get any objections. We will need to get permission off the landowner and the costs covered which is currently around £2,500. GCC won’t be classing this as a priority.  After some discussion it was agreed to write to the landowner asking  if signs could be placed where the path starts at the junction with KCH65 and where it diverts to the right to the side of the garage. This would prevent people from ending up in front of the garage with no idea of where the path is.

b) Missing signs on parish rights of way: The Chairman currently compiling a list of missing signs.

c) Public Path Diversion Order footpath KCH 17, 19 and Extinguishment Order footpath KCH 15 at Hartshill, Chedworth:  The receipt of orders from GCC had been noted.  An email had been received from Frank Dorrington Ward, GCC PROW, reporting that her had spoken with the landowner and he would not agree to extra signs on Hartshill land which would make life easier for walkers.  It was also agreed to write to GCC PROW regarding KCH19, which is blocked where it leaves the road, the stile is overgrown and inaccessible, the adjacent gate is padlocked, and ask if all this could be remedied.


Playing Field:

a) Grass Maintenance around the Fitness Equipment:  An email reply had been received from Patricia King stating that The HVLTC were to consider this further at their meeting on 15th

b) To review the rental paid by HVLTC:  The five year rent review was due in 2017 but not carried out at that time.  After some consideration it was proposed by Mr McLellan and seconded by Mr Morgan that £250.00, which will not be backdated to 2017, would be an acceptable figure, agreed. In order to comply with the lease this will be reviewed again in 2022.  It was agreed to email this decision to the HVLTC and ask them to confirm that this figure is agreeable to them.


The Grass Keep Field:

a) Drama Group Storage:  Planning permission for the larger building had been granted.  It now needed to be decided which size of building was needed.  The Chairman had been in touch with Richard Issac for advice regarding a lease and the Drama Group were also going to provide a template for an agreement which had not yet been received.   It was agreed to ask the Horticultural Society if they still wished to use part of the building to store its equipment.

b) Grass Keep Licence: Dealt with earlier on the agenda.


Trees at the Hemplands:  An email reply had been received from GCC Highways stating they are not prepared to carry out any work on the trees at the Hemplands.

Chedworth Village Hall:

a) Village Hall Land Registration: Dealt with earlier on the agenda.


Rendcomb Airfield:   It was agreed to forward to CDC all correspondence regarding Rendcomb airfield – some negative and some positive – which we have received.


Village Clean Up on Saturday 24th October:  Mr McLellan reported that it was not possible to borrow the equipment from CDC this year.  After some discussion it was agreed to go ahead and hoping that people will be happy to provide their own.  As there is no equipment to hand, the pick can be done whenever they like but ask people to email Alan McLellan so that he can allocate areas.  It was confirmed that CDC will pick up bags of waste if necessary.




D Broad (Website Hosting Aug/Sept/Oct) £21.60, prop. R Jess, sec. A Kingsley

R Jess (Zoom Subscription) £152.99, prop. A McLellan, sec. D Broad

Bibury (Graveyard Path Cutting £60.00 + VAT) £72.00, prop. R Jess, sec. G Broad

Cottage Garden Services (Playing Field Cutting September) (£80.00 + VAT) £96.00, prop. R Jess, sec. A Kingsley

Viking (Ink £38.77 + VAT) £46.52, prop. R Jess, sec. A McLellan

E Broad (12x2nd Class Stamps) £7.80, prop. R Jess, sec. G Broad

High Tech Windows (Village Hall Windows Deposit) £1,499.37 Retrospective, prop. A McLellan, sec. A Kingsley

Council in receipt of £4,515.00 part Precept from CDC




Hill and Valley:  Several items were identified for inclusion in the November edition which would be written to the Chairman.


The meeting concluded at 9.49pm.


NEXT MEETING:  Monday 9th November at 7.30pm.