
th NOVEMBER 2020
PRESENT: Mrs R Jess (Chairman), Mr D Broad, Mr G Broad, Mr A Kingsley, Mr A McLellan,
Mr I Morgan and Mrs E Broad (Clerk)
County Councillor Paul Hodgkinson
District Councillor Jenny Forde
CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES: The minutes from the Parish Council Virtual Meeting held on
the 12th October 2020 were agreed as a true record.
DECLARATION OF INTERESTS: The Chairman to remind Councillors of the need to declare
interests as necessary.
OPEN SESSION FOR THE PUBLIC: Paul Hodgkinson reported on the latest Covid data for
Gloucestershire, the recent road closure on the A429 due to Ash Dieback which had been
completed, the appointment of new Highways Manager for this area, Dan Tiffney, and his efforts to
resolve the puddle issue on the Airfield. He was questioned about whether the numbers of Covid
cases per village was available and also about the new Highways Officer and the taking over of the
Highway verges. The Chairman thanked Councillor Hodgkinson. Jenny Forde reported on the
Covid situation at CDC and how the lockdown was affecting things. She also confirmed that the
Recycling Site at Fossecross was still operating during this second lockdown by appointment only.
The Chairman thanked Councillor Forde. Caroline Baker reported that the Tennis Club lights were
being left on at some time to assist with data for the proposed development adjacent to the Village
CO-OPTION OF NEW COUNCILLOR: Annabel Heathcoat-Amory from Chedworth Laines had
emailed to express an interest in filling the vacancy on the Parish Council. It was proposed from
the Chair and seconded by Mr Kingsley to co-opt Mrs Heathcoat-Amory to fill the existing vacancy
and agree that the Declaration of Acceptance of Office and Code of Conduct could be completed
after the meeting at a time convenient to the Clerk and the new Councillor, agreed. The Chairman
welcomed Mrs Heathcoat-Amory to the Parish Council.
20/03302/FUL – Hartshill – Extension – No objection
20/03710/TCONR – Farfrae – Tree Works
20/03268/FUL Laurence Cottage – Additional Information – No further comments
Land next to Village Hall: An email reply had been received from Centaur Homes saying they
would send information on the proposed development to the parish council to post on social media
but nothing had been received.
Planning Appeal: APP/F1610/D/20/3258052 Primrose Cottage – Erection of garage/equipment
store – The Parish Council’s original objections would be automatically sent to the inspector.
Planning Training for Town & Parish Councils: An email had been received from CDC saying that
they were intending to offer the planning training, postponed from earlier in the year, virtually, and
inviting anyone who was interested in taking part to get in touch.
th NOVEMBER 2020 – Page 2
Traffic in Village and Road Matters:
a) Roadside Verges:
i) To receive any update on taking over the cutting of the roadside verges: Nothing further until
Mr Morgan had spoken to the new Highways Manager
b) Airfield Bend Drain: The highways department has requested an accurate location for the
problem drain which had been provided.
a) KCH 64: A reply had been received from the landowner who was unconvinced about the value
of any signage. It was agreed to write to him again pointing out that as the route of the path on
maps and the diverted route were different it would be useful to have a waymark sign to show
walkers the revised route of KCH64. It was felt that a photograph showing the preferred location
and the type of waymark intended should be sent to the landowner in the hope that he would allow
the sign.
b) Missing signs on parish rights of way: The Chairman had this in hand for consideration at the
next meeting.
c)_ KCH 19: Highways had informed the council that they were intending to visit and inspect the
path. It was agreed that if nothing had been done by the next meeting to raise this again.
d) GCC Notification of Temporary Road Closure C/149 Upper Barn: Ref/71180 – 21st November:
e) GCC Notification of Temporary Footpath Closure KCH 47: Noted
Playing Field:-
a) Grass Maintenance around the Fitness Equipment: A reply had been received from HVLTC
confirming that they would continue to maintain the area around the fitness equipment but would
like this reviewed at a suitable time. It was agreed to write and thank them.
b) Rent Review: To note that the HVLTC accepted the proposed increase in rent to £250.00 to
come into force next year
c) New Bench on Playing Field: The Chairman reported that she had been contacted by a
representative from the Elderberries and asked if the Parish Council would consider a bench could
be located on the playing field with a plaque to commemorate the group which was being wound
up. It was agreed that the Chairman would liaise with Helen Taylor and come up with a firm
proposal for the next meeting.
The Grass Keep Field:
a) Drama Group Storage:
i) To receive an update on any quotations for providing the building; Mr Kingsley now had all the
quotes for the building.
ii) To consider any potential licence/tenancy agreement with prospective tenants: The drama
group had sent through a suggested tenancy agreement but this was felt to be unsuitable for this
purpose. After some discussion it was agreed that the Chairman and Mr Kingsley would liaise with
Mrs Amory, who was a solicitor, to come up with a suitable licence or lease for the next meeting.
iii) To consider reply from Horticultural Society regarding renting storage space: A reply had been
received from Mr Colbeck confirming that they would like to rent part of the shed for storage.
b) Grass Keep: As this item involved considering individuals the Chairman stated that she
intended to take it in closed session at the end of the meeting.
th NOVEMBER 2020 – Page 3
Lower End Graveyard: It was proposed from the Chair and seconded by Mr G Broad to ask Bibury
to carry out the annual cut and remove, agreed.
Chedworth Village Hall:
a) Village Hall Land Ownership: Nothing further had been received from the Village Hall.
b) Village Hall Snapshot: Noted.
CDC Budget Consultation: Views were being sought by CDC on their budget. It was felt that
Councillors should comment individually if they wished to do so.

  1. Clerks Quarterly Telephone/Broadband Contribution £83.40, prop. A Kingsley, sec. G Broad
  2. Cottage Garden Services (Playing Field Cutting October) (£40.00 + VAT) £48.00, prop. R Jess,
    sec. A McLellan
  3. Bibury (Graveyard Path Cut June/July) (£60.00 + VAT) £72.00 Retrospective. This had been
    paid in August but not approved in the Minutes. This had been picked up by Cllr. Morgan and
    the Clerk during the six monthly financial review. Prop. R Jess, sec. A Kingsley
  4. Council in receipt of £1,000 Annual Ground rent from Vodaphone
  5. Six Monthly Financial Review has been undertaken by Councillor Morgan & the Clerk
    The Chairman stated that because the following item involved considering individuals, members of
    the public were asked to withdraw from the meeting, agreed.
    Grass Keep: Three firm expressions of interest in taking over the licence for the remaining six
    months had been received. After some discussion it was proposed from the Chair and seconded by
    Mr G Broad to offer the licence of the Parish Council Grass Keep Field until 30th April 2021 to Mr
    and Mrs Wall from the Hemplands The cost would be £287.00, payable in advance. In addition to
    the licence it was agreed to point out some further conditions which the Chairman had suggested
    and circulated prior to the meeting.
    Hill and Valley: Several items for inclusion in the December/January edition were identified. This
    would be written by the Chairman.
    The meeting concluded at 8.39pm.
    NEXT MEETING: Monday 14th December at 7.30pm