


Discussion with Charles Hutton Potts regarding the Village Hall took place before the  meeting which commenced at 8.00pm.


PRESENT:  Mrs R Jess (Chairman) Mrs B Amory, Mr D Broad, Mr G Broad, Mr A Kingsley,

Mr A McLellan, Mr I Morgan & Mrs E Broad (Clerk)

County Councillor Paul Hodgkinson

District Councillor Jenny Forde


CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES:    The Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on the 8th February 2021 were agreed and signed as a true record.


DECLARATION OF INTERESTS:  The Chairman reminded Councillors of the need to declare interests as necessary.


OPEN SESSION FOR THE PUBLIC:  Councillor Hodgkinson gave a brief report which included information on the latest Covid numbers in Gloucestershire which were falling, the vaccination programme, the proposed road resurfacing on Withington Hill and the proposed re-planting after the Ash Dieback felling on the Fosseway.  Mr Morgan raised the problem of Dan Tiffney not responding to his emails.  Cllr. Hodgkinson agreed to speak to him.  Councillor Jenny Forde gave a brief report about CDC matters including Rendcomb Airfield where they are awaiting a planning application.  Mr Baker spoke about the planning application adjacent to the Village Hall outlining his objections mainly on the effect on the tennis club.  Mr Rotherford spoke about KCH 43 which he said ran through his grounds at the Brew House.  He acknowledged that the map on the GCC website was incorrect but he outlined the problems he was having with dog fouling on the path and also reported walkers using the path in the early hours of the morning. Councillors Hodgkinson & Forde offered to get some advice for him from PROW officers at GCC and officers at CDC




21/00703/TCONR Winterwell House – Tree Works

21/00626/TCONR Kimberley Cottage – Tree Works

20/04609/FUL Newport Farm – Conversion to Dwelling – Additional information

21/00590/TCONR Glovers Cottage – Tree Works

21/00129/AGFO Agricultural or Forestry Notification for Erection of an agricultural barns and associated works at Land South of Fields Road – Application withdrawn

21/00535/FUL Normannia Fields Road – Demolition of Bungalow and replace with two 

Dwellings – No objection

21/00650/FUL Land North East of Village Hall – Technical Details Consent for 2 No. dwellings (based on a Permission in Principle application (ref. 20/02017/PLP) for the erection of up to 3 No. dwellings – It was proposed from the Chair and seconded by Mrs Amory to object on ground of impact on community facilities, highway safety, materials, traffic, sustainability, and energy saving, agreed.  It was further proposed by Mr Kingsley and seconded by Mrs Amory to write to the Chief executive at CDC concerning the handing of the PiP application which it was felt was approved without proper consideration, agreed with one abstention.


Neighbourhood Plan:  Nothing further




Traffic in Village and Road Matters:                              


  1. a) Roadside Verges: Mr Morgan reported that he had been unable to get a reply to his emails from Dan Tiffney, GCC Highways and asked for assistance from Cllr. Hodgkinson who agreed to help.

The Clerk offered to contact Dan Tiffney directly to ask for the verge cutting contract to sign.

  1. b) TTRO 2254 Rookery Cottage Chedworth: – To note road closure on 26th to 28th April for Thames Water to repair a pipe.



  1. a) Missing signs on parish rights of way: The Chairman had prepared a report which she circulated prior to the meeting.   Mr Kingsley thanked the Chairman for producing this excellent document.  It was agreed that the Chairman and the Clerk would work through the recommendations.

KCH 8:  Mr Morgan had walked the path and reported that the stile had been repaired.  He was duly thanked by the Chairman.

Footpaths around New Barn Farm: No response had been received from the landowner.  It was agreed to chase this up again.

KCH 43:  An email had been received from Sam McEwen Solicitor on behalf of the owners of the Brew House stating that the footpath had been incorrectly shown going through the garden at the Brew House on the map drawn by the Chairman on the Parish Council website.  The Chairman had researched the situation and had confirmed with Gloucestershire Council County Rights of Way that the path does cross the Brew House garden and that there is an error on the online map which they had been referring to.  It was proposed from the Chair and seconded by Mr McLellan to reply to Sam McEwen pointing this out, agreed.

Public Rights of Way and the significance of 2026:  Noted.


Playing Field:-

  1. a) To consider waiving the fee for the booking for a church fundraiser, Chedworth’s Got Talent, on 17th July:
  2. b) To consider the request by the Elderberries to place a bench on the playing field and agree to the choice of bench and location: It was proposed by Mr Kingsley and seconded by Mr McLellan to allow the request based on the bench chosen by Helen Taylor and circulated to councillors, agreed.


The Grass Keep Field:

  1. a) Drama Group Storage:  Nothing further.             
  2. b) Tree Planting on Diggers Field: Mr McLellan and Mr Kingsley were currently contacting people who may be interested in assisting.
  3. c) Water Leak:  It was noted that Mrs Wall will repair the ball valve in the trough.
  4. d) Grass Keep Tenancy:  The Chairman said that as this was discussing individuals she intended to take this item, excluding the public, at the end of the meeting.


Chedworth Village Hall:

  1. a) Village Hall Land Ownership:  Nothing further.


  1. b) To consider writing to the Village Hall Committee to outline some conditions for

considering a grant to them this financial year:  Mr Morgan proposed that a letter be sent to the Village Hall setting out that if the Village Hall wished to apply for a grant, the management committee would have to:- i) First put it on the agenda for the Village Hall Annual General Meeting for a vote to confirm there was support within the community for the application to the Parish Council for 2021-22 financial year. ii) Provide, financial accounts for 2020-21, a full year forecast for the 2021-22 showing a profit and loss statement and cashflow forecast for the year, and also a statement showing the current financial position. It was also agreed to point out the need to comply with the Funding Guidelines.  This was seconded by Mr D Broad and was agreed four votes in favour, two votes against and one abstention

  1. c) Village Hall Snap Shot February 2021:  


Storage of Parish Council Documents:  The Clerk is currently making enquiries with local solicitors.


Rendcomb Airfield Noise: It was noted that it was understood that Rendcomb airfield was intending to apply for permission to allow more commercial use.  As this was not in Chedworth parish it was agreed to write to CDC planning and Cllr. Jenny Forde asking that as the impact of the flying seriously affected part of this parish, particularly the Laines area, the Parish Council should be consulted when any new application was submitted.


Crowdfund Cotswold:  Cllrs. McLellan & Kingsley had attended the on-line workshop.  Although they felt it might not work for the orchard project, they were currently talking to local organisations who may be able to help.


Cotswold District Council’s Licensing Act 2003 Policy Consultation: Noted.


Closure of the Farm Shop:  Mr D Broad raised the closure of the Farm Shop.  After some discussion it was agreed to inform CDC planning that following the closure the village no longer had a shop which impacted on the village’s sustainability.  It was further agreed that when gatherings were allowed, the Parish Council would arrange a public meeting to discuss if anything could be done to get a new shop in the village.




  1. Clerks Quarterly Salary £659.00, prop. A Kingsley, sec. I Morgan
  2. Clerks Quarterly Mileage £12.88, prop. R Jess, sec. A McLellan
  3. GAPTC Membership 2021/22 £209.21, prop. R Jess, sec. I Morgan
  4. Council in receipt of £1105.00 grant for the Neighbourhood Plan from Groundworks




To consider items for inclusion in the April edition of Hill and Valley:  Several items were agreed to be included in the April edition which would be written by the Chairman.


It was agreed to go into closed session to discuss this item as it involved discussing individuals.  Members of the public were asked to leave the meeting.


Grass Keep Tenancy:  The Grass Keep Licence expires on the 30th April 2021. After some discussion it was agreed to offer the licence for a year to Mr and Mrs Wall for the same amount of £575.00, agreed unanimously.


The meeting concluded at 9.37pm.                                                            


NEXT MEETING:  Monday 12th April 2021 at 7.30pm.